Ch: 18 For Luce

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Narrator POV

While Natsu was losing himself, Lucy was led to her house nmby Sting. Natsu was gone, he didn't have control.

Natsu POV

What a wonderful day it is with my girlfriend. Which by the way, is the best girlfriend in the world. Her name is Lisanna. We've had such a great time today. We talked about our future. I saw Sting and Lucy pass by too. Unconsiously my eye twitched. Now we're gonna watch the sunset. I held Lisanna in my arms.

I don't know why, but something about her reminded me about Lucy. Why am I thinking of Lucy all of a sudden? She's with Sting. Stings name echoed in my head. Sting. I don't like him. Why is he with her? Wait, why do I care? A headache started burning in my head. Need. To. Find. Lucy. I love Lucy. No. Lisanna.

I couldn't think straight, I just knew I needed to get put of here. I needed to go to Lucy. What is wrong with me? How could I forget about Lucy. She's my everything! I reflected on my day with Lisanna. Oh shit. Lisanna druged me! The cookies! Goddammit Lisanna. I needed to get these things out of me. As long as the drug is still inside me I couldn't guarantee my actions.

"Hey Liz?" I asked.

"Yes Natsu?"

"Imma go to the men's room real quick ok?"

"Alright Natsu, just hurry so you don't miss the sunset!"

I made my way to the bathroom, my thoughts still scrambled. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I fought for control. Not this again. Natsu get a grip, she trusted you. You already screwed up once and now this? You'll be lucky to at least be her friend after this. C'mon, do it for Luce. Plus if you don't get your ass moving she's probably gonna get raped by that shit head.

My head hovered over the toilet. My hand shook as it rose up towards my mouth. After I finished riding my self of that shitty drug I ran off. I Avoided Lisanna, that bitch was creepy. I sprinted to Lucy's house. Just the thought of that shithead looking at her pisses me off. Don't worry Luce, I'll save you.

Lucy POV

I was curled up on the sofa, Sting was right next to me snuggling with me. Even though he was comforting, I wanted to be with Natsu, although I did hate his guts. An explanation, thyself what I really needed right now.

How could I be so stupid? I let my guard down for once and this is how it pays of. That's it, I'm never trusting anyone ever again. Even if I do love him, there's no valid excuse for what he did. He just cheated. That's all there is to it.

Sting POV

Ok gotta do this cautiously, one wrong move and I could ruin everything. I was sitting next to Lucy, one of my arms was over her shoulder. Neverending years spilled from her eyes. Ok time to do this.

"Lucy, it'll be okay, don't cry, you have me" I moved my hand up closer to her cheek and wiped her tears away with my thumb. She gazed into my eyes deeply, her lips slightly parted and I took it she got the message. We inched closer at a tantalizingly slow speed. At the first brush of her lips against mine I grew needy. Her lips were smooth and inviting.

Stupid Dragneel doesn't know what he's missing, oh wait, he does. Is he ratarted, maybe. Oh wait, ha was drugged. The whole plan just made me smirk. Thanks Lisanna.

I was a a little surprised when she started to kiss me rougher. I'm gonna really enjoy this one. I equally kissed her back. Her arms found their way around my neck as I dominated over her.

She was beneath me groping my hair and kissing me relentlessly, succeeding at turning me on. My hand snuck under her shirt and unclipped her bra, which she didn't seem to mind. She moaned into my mouth as I gripped her breast. Her moans rung in my ears making me thirsty for more, much more.

My mouth wandered to her neck nibbling and sucking it, now marking her mine. Not that bastard's. I saw she already had a few faded marks which I replaced. The tender skin seemed so sensitive under my touch. I wonder where else she was sensitive.


Who interupted?
Is Natsu gonna come to the rescue?
Why did Lucy give in so easily?
Find out next Tim on Just a Game!
Hello minna! I finally updated this chapter. It took me a littele longer that I meant it to. I'll update the next one soon! SEE YA LATER KAWAI POTATOES! LOVE YOU ALL! <3

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