Chapter 32

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Selena pov
I turned around and knocked my head against Justin's chest while smelling his cologne. I moaned and opened my eyes to see him shirtless, I giggled and licked his crown tattoo playfully.. "Mmmmm" justin moaned, I smiled and got up to check my phone and it was 10 am.. My eyes widened at the timing knowing it was only an hour flight but we're still in the plane. I shook justin to get up, "what" he said.. "It's 10.. Why are we still in the plane?" I asked but he ignored my question, I groaned and got up of the bed leaving justin in the room while walking out of the room, seeing Alfredo watching Tom and Jerry with a bowl in his hand full of cereals.. "What the hell is going on?" I asked fredo and he turned around giving me the question look.. "What??" He asked.. "Why aren't we in the hotel yet..why are we still here" I asked.. He chuckled "justin didn't tell you??.. We don't go out straight away, if everyone is asleep then we wait till morning.. It's our plane anyways" fredo said like a smart ass.. "Oh.." I said embarrassed.. "It's ok.. You didn't know, everyone is still asleep so you can either watch a movie with me or fall back asleep"he said.. "Movie it is.. Got any food?" I asked.. "Yeah there's a sneaker bar at the fridge" he replied. I smiled and ran like a 5 year old, I opened the fridge and saw it was the only one left "thank you God" I said to myself and grabbed it. I walked back to where Alfredo was and sat next to him, "okay.. So.. The mask, Mr bean holiday or land of the lost?" He asked.. "I've been watching land of the lost with justin quite often.. So maybe Mr bean" I said.. "Yes! I was hopping for that" he said while playing the movie. Fredo passed me a blanket and I gladly took it.

Few minutes later
"Nono see this part" fredo said.. "The Middle finger part" I continued while we two laughed together. Fredo laughed so loud that he started clapping his hands like a retarted seal, I couldn't control my self I had to laugh as well. "You look like a total idiot" I said.. "Thanks.." He said while grabbing the last bit of my sneakers. "Hey!" I said annoyed.. "You eat slow" he said.. "That was my favourite part!" I said while slapping his arm. "Sorry.." He said trying not to laugh "oh please we both know you're not" I said while he nods his head with confidence.. I shook my head and continue watching the movie.

"What are yall doing?" Someone said out of sudden.. Me and fredo turned around and saw justin standing next to us. "We're watching a movie" fredo said.. "Wanna join?" I asked.. Justin looked at the tv screen and chuckled "Mr bean holiday??.. Fredo we always watch this when we're in the plane.." Justin said while pulling me out from the seat. Justin sat down and patted his leg, asking me to sit on it.. So I did. "But I wanted to watch it.. It's been years since I did.." I said .. Justin looked at me "okay baby" he said.
"Justin.." Pattie said while walking in front of the tv blocking us three, "hey pattie move come on" fredo said rudely.. "Oh shut up you watch this as much as u pee" pattie replied  which made me and justin laugh. "Yes momma?" Justin asked.. "I'm taking the girls back with me" she said.. Justin got shocked and stood up which made me fall on the floor but I didn't mind it wasn't a hard one. "Why!" He yelled.. "Justin don't yell at me!" Pattie snapped back.. I looked a fredo worried, "don't worry .. It's normal" he mouthed. "I'm doing U a favour!" Pattie replied.. "How's this a favour? How's taking my kids a favour?" Justin asked.. "Justin! You don't even have time for them.. You seeing them and hanging around with them is a different thing! You and Selena were so caught up with each other U didn't even know jazzy and ella was with us!" Pattie said. Justin's face lighten up a bit as a sign he knew he's mom was right.. I grabbed Justin's hand "your moms right.. If they weren't there.. Jazzy and ella could have been missing.. Your just so busy, I think your kids would rather go back home.. I'm not saying I don't wanna be with them.. I love them like my own, but your moms right.. They won't be having fun here" I said .. Pattie looked at me and mouthed "thank u".. I smiled and looked at justin while he looks away staring into space, "fine" he said and left our sight. I sighed, "he'll be fine" fredo said out of sudden.. Pattie smiled weakly and walked away. "Should I go talk to him?" I asked fredo.. "Yeah girl go do that.. So I can eat all the sneakers and leave none for u" he said while walking to fridge. I smirked.. Jokes on him that was the last one.. I walked to the only room door but stopped to hear Alfredo's reaction "WTHELL!" He yelled.. I started laughing, I opened the door and closed it right after I got in.. Seeing justin playing with his phone, "baby?" I said but he ignored it.. "Baby" I said while walking to his side of the bed where he was sitting.. I sat infront of him and kissed his cheek "your mom didn't do that on purpose..she's not trying to take them away from you justin, you have three important things right now.. Your tour, your fans and your kids.. If you get too caught up with your tour.. It will be hard to be there for your kids and I know that's what I'm here for as well.. To take care of them and hang with them but what if I get too caught up as well??" I said.. He looked at me "four Important things.. My tour.. My fans..My kids and you" he replied with a smile.. I smiled and gave him a hug, "everything's gonna be alright" I said.. "I love you" he said... "I love u too" I replied.

"Let's goo!!!!" Kenny yelled.. We all got our things and brought it out from the plane.. "So much fun!" Ryan said while rain started pouring down.. "Come on let's go before it gets heavier!" Scooter said while running inside. I turned around to see justin still waiting.. What is he doing.
I saw jazzy and ella walking down with Pattie, I smiled.. Justin gave his mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek.. How cute, "let's go selena!! It's raining" jazzy and Ella said while pulling me in, I laughed "I guess you two knows what's best Eh?" I said making them giggle. I felt a hand touching mine, turning to my right seeing it was Justin's.. "You okay?" I asked.. "Yeah.. I got everything I need right here" he said while kissing my hand.
"Bruce ma man!" Fredo said.. "Get away from me.." .."hi selena" bruce said which made us all laugh, "man I'm sorry .. I promise I won't drink slurpees in your car anymore" fredo said.. "Yeah well you still ain't on my list today.." .."justin! Selena! Scooter! Ryan! And Jenny my car" Bruce said.. Making us laugh again, "wow thanks" fredo said while walking to the other car behind Bruce's . "Bruce you can't blame fredo for being clumsy" justin said.. "Can't blame him for watching Mr bean every flight as well" Bruce replied.. Ryan started laughing so loud I think I nearly got a heart attack "that was good" Ryan said while high fiving Bruce. I looked at jenny and she looked like she's been grumpy since the flight, "what's wrong hunny?" I asked.. "I'll tell you when we're alone" she responded without even looking at my face. Wow.. What a day.

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