Chapter 40

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Justin's pov
"'s time" I turned around and saw Allison with the biggest smile ever. "Thanks" I smiled back and switched off my dressing room light. I looked around trying to spot Selena but it was useless, she wasn't anywhere around. "Hey scooter, did you see selena?" I asked, scooter shook his head and walked off. Ok what's his problem. "Guys!! Praying time!" Ryan (Ryan good) yelled, everyone suddenly stood in a circle and put their hands around each other. "I'm going to pray today" Ryan continued, "dear Lord, I pray that today's show will go smoothly and that we all will be safe. As well as the fans. Thank you for letting us do what we love. In Jesus name we pray".. "Amen" we all said. I gave Ryan a patt on the back and said thank you for the prayer. "Justin,let's go" jenny said while pulling me to the glass box that I use to get in stage. "Where's selena?" I asked, jenny shrugged "that's not important now". Wait did she just say that, no no no of course having my baby at my side is important. "Jenny.. Selena always wishes me before I go on stage. It's important to me." I said a little hurt. She soften a bit and gave me a hug "that's not what I meant. I'm sorry. But we're already late justin" she let go of the hug "good luck. I know you'll do good just like the rest" she said. I smiled "thank you", I got in the glass box and waited for them to bring me up on stage.

"Thank you! I love you so much! Be safe" I said to the crowd. I ran backstage and saw scooter walking to me "good job,boy. You rocked again" he said with a grin. I chuckled "thanks scoots". I walked pass by the dancers room and finally got in mine, I closed the door and laid on the couch tiredly. I moaned, I'm so tired I can't even stand. I heard the door knock, I sighed "come in" I yelled but not rudely. "Justin" I heard a girl voice call out my name, I lifted my head to see it was selena. Oh now she's here. When I'm laying on the couch. Yes I'm kind of pissed at her and it makes it even worse cause I'm tired. I ignored her call and laid my head back down. "Justin.." She called out again but with annoyance. "What" I said while my head was still on the couch, "what's your problem?" She asked. I lifted my head and looked at her face, seeing her leaning against the door. "What's my problem?? Where was my girlfriend to wish me when I was about to perform?" I said. She looked at me angrily till I was finished with my words,by then her face soften "oh my god baby I'm sorry. I got caught up with fredo and Ryan (butler) we met zayn and all. I was too excited". I chuckled and shook my head "I cant believe you forgot. I was hurt.. I didn't even see you nor talk to you for this whole day. Not having my girlfriend wish me good luck and that she's proud of me. Hurts me. Today wasn't my favourite show at all" I laid my head back on the couch. I could sense selena walking to me, she sat down on the floor infront of the couch I'm laying on "I'm sorry." She said giving a kiss on my cheek. "Justin.." She said but I didn't answer.. "Fine" she got up and was going to walk out, but she said her last words before she left "if you're going to get pissed at me for just not wishing you good luck for the first time. I have no idea what to say. At least I was at the crowd supporting you. I gave free meet and greets to your fans cause I was so proud yet excited for you and them. Zayn even asked me to go to the pit where he was seating but I decided to stay in the middle and support you. If I didn't do those things, I would have understood. But if I only did one thing, which was not wishing you. I have no idea what to say." She slammed the door. I sighed and got up, she's right. I shook my head at my childish behaviour, it's not like this isn't her first time not wishing me good luck. It's her first. She supported me anyways but of course I always want to be right. I admit that. I need to change my selfish ways. It's not fair for her.

Selena pov
I can't believe him. He's so childish. I walked pass by Ryan (butler) when he said hi, something I wish I didn't do. "Wow.." He said hurtfully, I turned around and looked at him "I'm sorry.. I'm just pissed" I said while walking back to him giving him a warm hug. "Kinda figured. What happen?" He smirked, "justin and I got in a little argument" I said. "And???" Waiting for me to continue, "just because I didn't wish him good luck today" I shrugged. He's smirked turned into a serious face, "you're joking right???" He face palmed himself and clapped playfully after that. "Nope..." I shook my head still in disbelief, "why didn't you wish him selena?" Ryan said while crossing his arms. You got to be kidding me "you're at his side?! I was with you dammit!" I snapped, he chuckled "selena.. I'm in no ones side. Think of it this way, you've been wishing him since what? Day one of the tour. And once someone stops or at least forgot, it will definitely hurt them. What if you were justin, and then he forgot to wish you. Wouldn't you be hurt? Wouldn't you get a little pissed? It's even worse cause he's tired. You know how justin is, you just got to bare with him" Ryan said with a serious face. I guess Ryan's right, I would have gotten hurt as well. Plus Justin's tired, when he's tired and pissed at the same time it's definitely not pretty. "Yeah you're right I guess. But Ryan, he made it sound like I wasn't supporting him at all. You saw me, I was next to you. I legit ditched zayn to be in the middle and cheer for him. But again.. When he's pissed, he doesn't really think" I said. Ryan nod his head, "exactly so if you know his character why bother to just fight and fight and fight? Come on selena he needs you. Soon he's going to see marie and I don't want her to brain wash him. You'll definitely need to be with him mostly everytime when he does his LA show. He'll need you" he said. I smiled at how a great friend Ryan is being, I hugged him feeling so blessed to have a friend like him "thank you Ryan. You're the best friend ever" I said. He chuckled "you're the best friend as well", I smiled "I'll see you soon" I said and walked back to Justin's dressing room to apologise.

I knocked on the door waiting for Justin's answer. Okay... "Justin" I said knocking again, still no answer. "What are you doing?" Kenny asked out of sudden, "asking justin to let me in". Kenny chuckled out of sudden "he's in the suv" my eyebrows rose, you got to be kidding me. "I look like a dumbass" I said following kenny outside to the suv. Once we got in, I saw justin playing with his phone but he had shades on. I looked at Ryan seeing him staring at me. "Go" he mouthed, "later" I mouthed back. "What?" He mouthed again, "later"I mouthed again ... "What?" He mouthed.. "For goodness sake Ryan I said later" I accidentally said out loud. Ryan covered his face to hide his laughter, I turn to the side and saw justin and everyone staring at me like I'm crazy. I looked away and kicked Ryan's feet, I gave him the 'I hate you' look and all he did was smirk.

"Where are we going??" Fredo asked, "Malaysia.. Our flight is at 11pm" scooter said while his eyes was close. "Nice!" Fredo said excitedly, "why so excited freddy?" I asked. He shrugged "I want to try out sunway lagoon. Heard the water slide there is intense" showing me a picture of it. "Wow it's huge.. Looks fun" I said amazed. To be honest, I'm the type of girl who likes this stuff. Roller coasters, bungee jumping, flying fox,etc. I'm not even surprise if one day I'll go sky diving. I like to live my life to the fullest. I want to have fun. " to selena" fredo said while waving his hands at my face. "Whoops sorry I was day dreaming" I chuckled, "well I asked if you wanna go. So??" He said. I turn back to look at justin but I see him sleeping on Jenny's lap, I looked down at my lap. "Sure" I said with a smile. Fredo's face lights up and starts playing with his phone again.

The suv came to a stop. "We're here" scooter said getting out of the car immediately. I saw jenny trying to wake justin up but it was useless. I giggled "let me", she smiled and moved away. "Baby" I whispered at Justin's ears "wake up", I laid my hand on his and rub it up and down. He opened his eyes staring at me confused as ever. "Guys lets go!" Kenny yelled in a hurry. I got out of the suv and saw Justin walk pass by me, come on.. Is he still mad.
We got in the airport and followed the guy who will show us to the Private jet. "Is he still mad?" Ryan asked, seeing him next to me. "I think so.." I said softly, Ryan turn back and saw Justin listening to his beats basically minding his own business. "He looks lonely. You should talk to him" he said looking at me again. I sighed "maybe I should give him space", Ryan looked at me like I was crazy or something "you've gave him space the whole day selena. That's the reason why he got mad at you". I groaned "fine" I whined, I turn back and walked to justin. Literally standing next to him but he was ignoring me, I pushed his arm playfully catching his attention. He took his beads off and laid it on his shoulder, "what?" He asked "I'm sorry" I said grabbing his hand and pulling it to my mouth, giving it a soft and slow kiss. He took off his shades with his left hand while his right was with mine. He stared deeply into my eyes, giving me goosebumps "no baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have over reacted. I was just so sad and tired. I didn't mean it" he said, kissing my hand this time. "No justin. I should have wished you no matter what. I would have been upset as well if you did that to me. I'm sorry" I said. "I love you" he said out of sudden, "I love you too".
"Okay great. You both made up. Now let's get in the plane before the paps come" fredo said while pulling us.
"Get in get in get in" Kenny said to us in a hurry again. Great.. The paps didn't follow us this time.
"Justin is legit the only one who showered" Ryan (good) said, "yes I'm clean. Unlike you people" justin said, looking at me disgustingly. I gasped and pushed him away from me, he laughed and came back to give me a hug. "My advice to y'all is to get enough rest. We will go to sunway.. What ever its called..".. "Lagoon" scooter said but got interrupted by fredo. "Okay smarty pants whatever that place is called. You guys can go once we reach. As we will have a little day off" scooter continued. "Yes!!!" Kenny screamed, we all looked at him surprised. "What?? You all are the ones who always gets excited first. I wanted to give it a shot" he said with a chuckle. I shook my head at his cuteness, "justin! Wanna watch Mr bean holiday?" Fredo asked. "Fuck you. I'm picking the movie" justin said pushing fredo away. I laughed, shaking my head again. Having them in my life has changed a lot. I've never been happy. Justin is the love of my life. While the crew is my family. I'm so blessed.

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