Chapter 10

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Selena pov:
"Just go" I heard justin say, I was about to reply until he left me without letting me say a word. I groaned and went up stairs to Justin's room, I knocked on the door and I heard Justin say enter so I went in. "Justin" I said as he came out from the bathroom and looked at me "yes?" He asked, "please re think your words u just told me just now" I said in a serious tone. "Alright" he said after few seconds later "do u want to borrow a shirt to go out"? He asked which lead me to groan "why do u want me to come" I said "because we can get to know each other and discuss some things" he said. "Fine" I said while sitting on his bed till I remembered hailey was on it, I quickly go up which caught Justin's attention "what"? He asked "hailey slept there" I laughed while he chuckle "well Selena, she wasn't naked or anything and why do u care" he said. I smiled and opened the door but I was too late justin slammed it and looked at me "you didn't answer my question" he said which made me smirk "because" I said and opened the door and quickly ran down to the kids room to hide.
2 minutes later.
Where the heck is justin wasn't her chasing me or something? I opened the door and looked around and no sign of that loco guy. I closed the door and walked like I don't know anything till I felt my self on air. I screamed and saw it was justin, he started laughing while swinging me. "Justin what do u think your doing!!" I said "having fun" he replied "let me go"!! I said in no hesitation "fine" he said and let me down. It was actually fun but kind of weird, because my boss wouldn't do that to me unless he likes me... Omg that's it! He likes me, I mean I hope he does because I sure do. "Selena, are u ok" justin said bringing me back to my senses. "You're crazy" I said walking away from him, I smiled thinking of that moment.

Justin pov
"You're crazy" I heard Selena say while walking away smiling. Am I falling for her? At first I actually didn't give a damn about her only with the taking care of my two angels I did. But I think I am falling for her, I don't care if she's the babysitter I mean she's human. My phone rang which got me out of my day dream. "Hello" I said "hi justin" I heard a familiar voice say. "Baby how are u doing?" She said, I smiled so wide that I couldn't really see haha. "Momma!! I miss u! I'm doing fine, you"? I said. I talked to her for a good 4 minutes and then I hung up. I walked to the living room and saw selena playing with jazzy and Ella. "Ready to go"? I asked as they both screamed and Selena covered her ears while laughing which is the cutest thing ever. I chuckled and open the front door and let the three girls out before I do, I mean being the gentlemen I am. "Justin" Selena said "yeah"? I asked "do you want to go eat first or"? She asked "alright" I said. We all got in the car, jazzy and Ella at the back seat and Selena at the passenger seat. "Where do u three Angels wanna eat"? I asked and saw selena blushing. "Wendy's"!! Jazzy and Ella said in the same time like they planned it or something. "Are u alright with that"? I asked Selena "why wouldn't I be" Selena said while smiling and looking back at the window. I smiled and looked back at the road.

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