Chapter 17

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Selena pov
I got the pop corn ready and justin was setting the movie up. I put extra caramel and extra salt just the way justin and I likes it. I got out from the kitchen and went into the cinema room, "extra caramel and salt?" Justin asked while giving me that puppy dog stare.. "Shit ..I forgot!" I said rolling my eyes.. "Argh that's alright" he said while taking some pop corn, he throwed it in the air and catch it with his mouth.. He chewed it and started smirking, "you da best" he said with a huge smile.. I giggled and sat on the couch. I put the pop corn bowl aside and grabbed a blanket for myself. "Land of the lost.. Am I right?" Justin asked.. "Yup!" I answered excitedly. The movie was going to start but they had some shitty previews.. Justin turned off the lights and sat beside me.. Wait! Let's be real here.. He sat near the pop corn. *i thought to myself*. "Want some?" Before I could even say something he was quick to say "no? That's alright more for me" he said. I slapped his arm and showed the sad face, "hey.. I'm joking, here" he said giving the bowl to me. I took some and enjoyed the movie with justin, we shared laughters and of course we fought over who owns Chaka. Thinking about this already makes me laugh.

1 hour later.

"That was good" justin said stretching as well.. "Agreed" I replied. "Hey! Let's take a selfie" justin said placing his phone on the table, he went closer to the camera waiting for me to smile.. "Oh ok weird position though" I said while laughing. I decided to get more comfortable, so I put my legs on Justin's lap and he layed his hands on my leg. He started tickling it which caused me to laugh so I covered my face with my hands while Justin's smiles really wide and shows his huge thumb to the camera. Once we're done.. We couldn't stop laughing at the picture, it was so adorable. We decided to go upstairs since its 2 am.

I ran upstairs because I'm planning to lock justin out, but he had no idea what my attention was.. I got in the room first and quickly slam the door and locked it. Justin opens the door but it's not working, "Selena".. "Selena"... He opens the door knob.. "Selena!!" Justin yelled getting frustrated. I started giggling but it stopped because I heard keys moving and also justin putting the keys in the doorknob. I quickly ran and hid under the bed. He opened the door and looked around "what are you trying to do to me Selena?" Justin said.. I covered my mouth from laughing, "Selena...." Justin said in a scary spooky voice.. "I wonder who's the grudge that's under my bed" justin said while pulling my legs as quickly as possible. I screamed moving my leg around to escape from he's hands. He sat on the floor and started tickling me .. "Justin!" I yelled with tears dropping from my eyes ,. He stopped and gave me those worried eyes "are u okay?" He asked.. "I'm fine" I said out of breath with a slight giggle.. He stood up and pulls me up as well. " I think we should get to bed" justin said .. "Yeah" I replied.. "Okay I'll be at the couch" he said.. "Nope" I said more like an order. "Excuse me?" He said.. "Sleep next to me, the Grammys tomorrow you'll need a good rest.. It's either u sleep with me or I'll be on the couch" I said ,. "Okok on the bed" he was quick to say. I can see justin is such a gentleman guy, and that's what I like about him. He thinks about others before himself. We both layed down and pulled the covers over our body "goodnight" I said.. "Goodnight" he said with a smile. Few minutes later we fell asleep.

Next day.
Justin pov
I yawned so loud I think I could have woken up the dogs downstairs.. Poor Selena. I turned around and Selena wasn't there. Shit! Don't tell me every thing yesterday was just a dream.. Because selena's side looks like no one even slept there. I quickly got up and ran in the toilet to freshen up myself. I ran down stairs, and once I smelled something from the kitchen I already knew Selena is here. I smiled and ran in the kitchen, "shit you startled me" Selena said while putting her hands on her chest.. "Sorry..I thought u left or everything yesterday was just a dream" I admitted.. Selena gave me a slight smile "ngawww really? Well I'm here.. Was actually going to bring breakfast to you so u can eat it on bed, but u have to freaking open your eyes" Selena said with a giggle which cause me to laugh.. "Sorry" I said.. Sitting on the stool waiting for her to finish making the pancakes. "Daddy! Selena!" Jazzy and Ella said while entering the kitchen.. " hi sweeties" me and Selena said the same tired.. "Weird" jazzy said while laughing, me and Selena laughed at her reply. "Daddy are we going anywhere today?" Jazzy asked. "Yes sweetie, you and Ella are going to grandmas house" I said.. "What about u and Selena?" Ella asked.. "Daddy has an award show to go to and Selena is following me" I said.. "Oooh" jazzy and Ella said in the same time and left the kitchen with giggles.. "Definitely you're daughters" Selena said with a smirk..I laughed "totally agree" I said. Selena placed the plates infront of me and put two pancakes on my plate and two pancakes on hers. "Can I ask u something" Selena said.. "Yup" I said.. "What happen to their moms?" Selena asked.. I looked at her and shook my head "her name is marie.. She told me she was inlove with me and that she wants more than what we have so you know.. We had sex but I thought she was on birth control pills cause that's what she told me, anyways so she wasn't.. When she found out she was pregnant she wanted to give them away.. But I couldn't, I just couldn't.. Because they were mine,Ya know? So I took them and she broke up with me" I said.. Selena stared deeply into my eyes and got up from the stool and gave me a hug "I'm so proud of you.. U did the right thing" Selena said giving a kiss on top of my head. I smiled and continued eating my breakfast.

An hour later,
"Selena I'm going to drop of the kids to my moms.. U might want to get a dress for tonight" I said.. "Oh Ya!" Selena said with a grin.. "So?" I asked .. "I'll ask vanessa to come with me for shopping" she said. I nodded "girls let's go!" I yelled, they both came down and said their byes to Selena, "see u later" I said to Selena .. She smiled "see u later" she said. I got the kids in the car, and got in the driver seat. Took me 10 minutes to reach my moms.. I knocked on the door and my mom was quick to answer. "Hello my three Angels" she said.. "Hi" we three said, jazzy and Ella went in and did their own things. "How's Selena and u?" My mom asked... I smirked "she said yes to the Grammys".. She smiled and gave me a hug and a pat on the head telling me I did a great job.

Selena pov
Okok.. I need vanessa right away. I took my phone and dialled Vanessa's number. It ran a few times but she answered it anyways, "what'd up?" She said.. "Shopping! Now!" I said .. "OOo ok chill there kitty cat.. Be there in 10" she said. I smiled and hunger up.. This is going to be the best freaking day EVER.

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