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as i slowly open my eyes i can feel someones arms around me. 

i hear the steady breathing of a sleeping Robert. i start to shift his hands so i can move away from him to get to the bathroom.

"stop moving, i was so happy like this." Robert says sleepily.

"i need to pee Robert. its abusive to keep me here when i have to pee!" i say to him and get up to go to the bathroom.

i can hear the bed rustling then i hear the chain rattle and he yanks on it and i fall backwards onto the bed.

"what the fuck was that for?" i say to him.

he starts to drag me to him, he wraps his arms around me and puts his head in the crook of my neck and shoulder. i can feel his breath start to become steadier as sleep takes over him.

i make a run for the bathroom.and.............i make it!

i slam the door shut and the chain goes slack.

'finally i can go to the bathroom.' i say to myself.


as i leave the bathroom i see he has left the bed and has locked the bedroom door.

so i walk over to the bed and lay on the bed, legs over The side. i fall asleep. 

i woke up to a grumbling stomach.

"robert were are you?" i say.

'hope? you called? I'm watching the audio and video. whats wrong?' i hear the loudspeaker say.

"i need some food. im REALLY hungry." i beg him. 

"its okay hope ill be right down." he says to me.

I lay on the bed, legs over The side  and wait for him to come into the room.
He walks in moments later carrying a tray of food.

"well that was fast..." i say to him. i sit upright as he sits next me.

"my chefs made us burgers and fries and bought us some soda...your favorite as said by your brother. i thought it might cheer you up after i " he points to my chain "started my lesson..." he gives me the tray and i see 2 large burgers on the tray with 2 HUGE fry bags and 2 root beers. "why are there 2 of everything?" i ask him. he doesn't answer. i go to grab 1 of the burgers and bite into it, but Robert stops me and flicks me.

  "how did i disobey you this time Robert? i did nothing wrong i even didn't say anything bad about you in my head!" he strokes my cheek and says "i eat first. always." he says to me and takes the other burger and takes a bite. 

he then motions for me to eat my burger. i slowly raise my burger to my mouth and take a bite.  i watch him grab the 2 root beers and he hands me 1 of the 2 root beers and opened his.  he took his root beer and opened it. he looked at me and says "drink it." i look at him and open mine and chug the drink."this tastes funny... whats in this?" robert looks at me and tackles me onto the bed. "birth control." he says plainly to me. "what is the birth control for robert?" i say nervously.

 he starts to kiss my neck. i try to push him off. "get off Robert"  i say. 

"i have to mark you anyway so why not do it now you can leave the room!" he says. 


i watch in horror as his canines descend...

his canines toucehd skin and....


i woke up screaming and crying.

roberts arms instantly wrapped around me "whats wrong? whats wrong baby whats wrong?" he repeatedly says. 

i just kept crying into his arms.  i finally stopped to a slow quiet sniffle.

he sat me upright and said "whats wrong?'

My posessive Mate {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now