chapter 16

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as I walked out of my room I stop. I look up from watching the tiles and see Robert is waiting at the entrance of the medical bay. I take a breath and walk out to the entrance.

as he goes to hug me I back away. a tear streams down my face. 

"just reject me now and don't wait...i won't be able to live with myself if you wait just please reject me now, "  I say to him preparing myself for the rejection. 

he just stands there, looking at me. then he opens his mouth. I prepare myself for the rejection. but I am surprised with his arms wrapping around me and him picking me up.

"I love you so much hope, I will never reject you, I will never stop loving you.  you are my little paws and I am your big paws, my little paws I love you my hope, you are my love." he puts his forehead on mine. "I love you hope."         

I wrap my arms around his neck and cry.

he brings me to his room and lays me on his bed. I let go of his neck and slide onto the bed. he lays down beside me and wraps his arms around my waist and spooned me. I felt so loved. but I know he hates me.

"I don't hate you, I love you so much hope,"  he says to me.

he puts his hands through my hair and plays with it. he makes me feel loved but I can't......

he puts his head into the crook of my neck and smelled me and comforted me so I would drift off to sleep...

so I went to sleep in his arms.


I wake up to Robert kissing my forehead. "wake up my lovely little paws. I need you to wake up."

I groan "why do i have to wake up again? I tried not to wake up last time but I still have to wake up." I can feel his breath hitch after I said that.

"come-one hope you've got to wake up. you have a therapy session..."

I turn towards him.

"why do I have to go to therapy to the hospital? I already went there every day for 3 months...."

"because I signed you up for a week more of sessions. so let's go." 

he crawls over and puts his head on my lap 

"now ill have to use my secret weapon on you," he says.

I look at him. "what's your secret weapon?"

he sits up and looks at me, with a smirk. 

"whats are you doing?" I say as I slowly start to slip away from him he grabs me and starts tickling me. 

I try to not laugh but I can't control myself and I start to let out a giggle which was drowned out by loud laughter coming from me.

"stop! ha hahaha omg hahaha stop!" I scream

 all of a sudden the memory of my beating fills my head and I start to whimper and shiver and cry.

 "hope? HOPE? are you okay hope?" Robert stops tickling me and starts to hold me and cuddle me.

"your okay you're okay," I slowly start to calm down. 

he holds me to his chest and places light kisses on my head.

"you're my one and only mate. my little paws." he comes to me.

I can't control my wolf any longer. 

I  change into her while in his arms.

"do you want to know why I nicknamed you my little paws?" he says to my wolf.

her tail whips up and down in a yes.

he smiles and rubs behind my ear. 

"I named you that because you have little paws or hands that I can hold when I put my baby's into you."

my wolf starts to lick his face. he laughs and lets her. finally, i take over and turn back into myself, naked. 

Robert laughs as I try to cover myself. 

he takes my hands and moves them away so i am uncovered. he slowly moves towards me and wraps his arms around me covering my areas. 

"I will be the thing you covers you forever." he says as he places a kiss on my mark. 

"i-i-i love you Robert." I whisper into his ear. "I want to mark you now my big paws."

"I would love that my little paws. more than you could know." 

My posessive Mate {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now