chapter 36

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i wake up in our bedroom, an iv hooked up to me. i look around, noticing the scratch marks and punch holes in the walls, the trash all over the floor, and the pungent smell of blood and rotten food.

"good morning my little paws." i hear robert say.

 i turn around and see him sitting in a chair, in the corner of the room. i smile at him and say  "good morning." he walks over to me and sits on my side of the bed, putting his hand onto my shoulder and rubbing it. "you feeling better?" he says in a comforting tone. i nod in a reply, making him smile.        my smile falters though, when i realize why i had been sleeping. "i-i-i didn't know..." i say. he looks at me and then realizes what i meant "it's okay....the doctors told me this is common with...." he trails off. "with torture victims?" i say. he nods then looks at the door and then back at me. "do you want anything to eat?" he asks me. i nod "okay well they have some eggs and other stuff..." he says awkwardly. i giggle then say "i don't think i'm in the position to go get breakfast." he laughs and gets up, then leaves to get me breakfast.  

i take a deep breath then stand up holding the iv pole. i walk over to the closet and try to get dressed without damaging the iv, failing. i hear the door open to our room and look out the closet door. robert is standing there in the doorway, with 2 plates of food. he stares at me for a couple of seconds then walks over to the bed and puts the plates down, next he walks back over to me and takes the tank top and leggings from my hands. "grab your iv pole and go back to the bed." he says to me. i nod and walk back over to the bed, unsure of what he's going to do. he walks over to me and puts the clothes next to me on the bed, then he undo's the i'v. "let me help you." he says quietly. i nod and let him take off the hospital gown, i can feel his hands shaking as he tries to carefully take it off of me without hitting any of my bruises or wounds. he finally gets the dress off, exposing me to him,exposing all of the wounds, scars and bruises to him. he stares at the biggest wound i have, on my stomach, and growls, making me let out a small submissive whimper. he looks away and goes to the closet, walking out with a bra and underwear. he walks back over to me and lifts one of my legs carefully and puts the underwear on that leg, then does the same with my other leg. next he raises my arm and slowly slides the bra onto me, then does the same thing with my other arm. "raise your arms." he says to me. i do and he slides the tank top onto me. then i put my arms down and go to grab the leggings but robert grabs it first. "no, this is my care for you." he says to me. then he carefully raises my legs again and slides the leggings on. "there...that's one thing done." i say.

 he nods then go overs to the doorway and grabs something that's was outside the door way. he turns around and i see a folded up wheel chair. "what's that for...."  i say. he smiles and then unfolds it. "its so you can move around the pack house without straining anything." he says. i nod and then look at my legs. "c-c-c-can you help me?" i say. he nods and then picks me up bridal style and puts me into the wheel chair, next he brings the iv over and puts the iv on the portable pole on the wheel chair, hooking me back up to it. "okay..." he says and starts to roll my wheel-chair towards the doorway. he rolls me out and i see all these flowers and stuffed animals and candles all along the hallway floors. "who are those for?" i say. he looks at me with a confused look and then says "there for you." "oh..." i say, feeling my cheeks heat up. he laughs and keeps pushing the wheel chair. we pass masons room, his door is open, and he walks out.  "robert were are you going...?" robert stops and goes up to him and looks at him, most likely mind linking him. after a minute he walks back to me and i ask him what they were talking about. he just shrugs it off and says it was nothing. i know i wont get anything out of him so i just stop thinking about it. he pushes me threw the dining hall, where i get some nods and some hello's from random pack members, and outside. "why are we here?" i ask. he looks at me and then i see a limo pull up and the door open to reveal my dad, brother, and mother. i squeal, and robert pushes me towards them, so they can hug me. "oh my god hope its been so long!" "what happened?" "omg its so wonderful to see you!" "SIS!" "my baby!" i hear everyone shouting as they hug me. i hug them back and say "i love you guys! why are you here! OMG." we finally release and i see my brothers eyes trail down to my visible gashes and bruises, making me try to cover them up. "so hows life?" i ask my dad.. he looks at robert then looks at me and i see in his eyes that theirs something wrong, but he doesn't say. "robert invited us to see you." i nod and then look at my mom. "so...hows it going?" i ask. she smiles and then says "good, good! we got a couple new pups in the pack house...that's" she go's into a whisper. "when are you gonna have some pups...?" i look at her then point at my wheel chair. "not really a top priority right now..." she chuckles then gets close to my ear "its always a top priority." i laugh then look at robert, who clearly heard us. he smiles and winks at me, but i mouth the words help to him. he chuckles then walks over to my chair and says to my family "well i think you guys would love to have a tour of our pack house, because hope needs some rest!" i nod and do a realistic fake yawn. my mom looks at my dad and my dad nods at robert.  "okay, but can you first lead us to our room?" my dad says. robert nods then mind links someone to bring them to there rooms.

as the person emerges to bring them to there room robert turns me around and pushes me back into the pack house. we go past the med bay and i see a familiar face....



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