chapter 41

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I wake up to mason kicking my back. "wake up darling...were here." I try to stand but I fall from the pain in my lower half. " -m-m-master....i-i-i can't walk..." I whimper out. I hear him groan then grabs me by the waist, slinging me over his shoulder like a bag of wheat. I groan but let him carry me...suddenly he stops and chuckles. "your such a weak little toy...I'm going to have so much fun with you."


suddenly I fall into something soft and fluffy. My eyes burst open and I see mason standing there with a t-shirt and underwear...his t-shirt and underwear "Put these on...there your new clothes." He says with lust tinting his voice. I nod then reach out for the clothes, taking them from him. I get up to go to the bathroom but he pushes me down. "You will undress right will always undress in front of me."
I look at him with disgust but do as he says, fear commanding me to. I pull off the cardigan then I pull my shirt off, my breasts bouncing a little. I then pull my shorts off with my underwear. I hear mason growl in arousal, scaring me a bit. I put the clothes on and look in the mirror. "You look better follow me." He starts to walk and I quickly follow, trying to hide a bit of my shame as I walk through the halls. "Don't'll need to get used to shame," Mason says. I feel the hint of an order in his words so I stop. Suddenly a hand covers my mouth, pulling me into a room. I scream but the hand muffles me. "Your so pretty and innocent....I want to take that!"
My eyes widen and I start to squirm and struggle against his grip. Tears start to run down my face,  this moment so much like the last...he rips my panties off then goes to unbuckle his pants, but his hands move a little of my mouth... I scream. He jumps back, so I grab the opportunity to make a run for it. I run out into the halls and into another corridor of the hall. I keep running through this labyrinth of halls until I am sure I have completely lost the man.  I slow down and take a breather, my hands using my knees for support.  my breathing slows a bit and I look up to see where I am. the floor is shiny black,  the walls pure white. the one door in this hall is black with white flower patterns all over it. curiosity overwhelms me and I slowly walk up to the door, placing my hand on the silver handle. it burns my skin and I fall back hissing in pain. I look at the door handle and see that it's not paint, it's actually silver. the curiosity still poisons me though, so I bite the bullet and grab the door handle; flinging the door open to reveal a doctor with a needle full of a clear black liquid. my eyes fall on who's right beside the doctor...mason. "I see you made it my darling...go and lay down on that bed over there." he points to a cot at the center of the room. I walk over to the cot and lay down...mason suddenly is towering over me, fear raining down on me. I try to get up but he pushes me down, "don't move..."he places my arms at my sides then reaches over me to grab something and I realize what he's about to do and I start to squirm, "I said DON'T MOVE." I stop, and my fear becomes reality. he straps me in with leather laced with silver, making sure I can't move. i struggle but its no use, the silver makes me weak. "now do you see that little syringe over there with the doctor?" he grabs the needle from the doctor "well that's going to make you mine forever and always..."

he plunges it into my arm and suddenly my body is thrown into the fires of hell and every memory i'v ever had flashes before my eyes...and then it all goes dark.

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