"ROBERT, HELP ME ROBERT HELP ME!!!" i scream. Robert is instantly in front of me. i could hear him growling loudly at the person. "ashton, your suppose to be in the torture chambers you low life scum...!" Robert growls at the person. i whimper behind Robert.
"that is not a way to talk to your brother Robert!" ashton says.
he sees me and i step back from his glare with a whimper. Robert steps forward.
"so she really is your bitch... well... at least i got first dibs on her. raping her was really fun you should try it sometimes Robert."
that sent Robert over the edge. he attacks ashton. ashton goes into wolf form and dogged Robert. then he he lunges for me. me grabs my hair and drags my screaming body into my room and slams the door. he turns into human form and i hear Robert jiggling the handle and banging on the door. "LET ME IN RIGHT NOW ASHTON!! LET HER GO OR I SWEAR TO GOD YOU'LL NEVER STOP FEELING PAIN EVER AGAIN YOU HEAR! LET HER GO!" Robert screams.
"i never got to finish with you ungrateful little bitch. you should feel lucky im going to rape you and not that piece of shit." ashton says pointing at the door were Robert was banging on the door.
i try to run towards the door but he grabs my foot and drags me towards him, i scream out in a last attempt to get out of his grip. but he's already got me. i hear him unbuckle his pants and the zipper go down. i whimper and scream out trying to get away.
then i realize what was under the bed.
i punch him and fall to the floor. i run to the bed.
"you little bitch! get your ass back over here, their goes Mr nice guy you little piece of shit."
i grab for something under the bed.
right as he grabs my foot my hand wraps around a sharp object.
he pulls me out and as he does my shirt rips off from getting caught on the underside on bed, i forgot to put on a bra today, he then grabs my pants pulling them down, with my undies.
im exposed to his hungry eyes and i don't like it.
"your so pretty, but now im going to take that away from yo-" he starts to say but i wham him in the chest with a sharpened bat i made.
blood spits onto me. my bat cut into him. he slowly drops to his knees.
"you bitch...." he falls down onto the ground and a pool of blood forms around his form.
i run to the door and unlock it. Robert bursts in with a gun.
"help me...." i say.
Robert meets my eyes and looks at ashton on the ground with the bat sticking out of his chest.
"what did you do hope?" he says.
i start to cry and he walks over to me in my naked glory and picks me up and covers me with his arms. i whimper in his arms. he calms me with his words and lets a medical group come in to get ashton.
as a doctor goes to get me out of Roberts arms he growls and death glares the doctor. "Shes okay do not touch her." he says in his alpha tone.
he brings me out of the room and into his room. he lays me on the bed and lays down next to me and wraps around me. "your going to be okay. you'll be fine hope, your never going to get hurt again."
after a while he gets out of the bed and goes to the bathroom. i hear the water start to run and i can smell his smell mix into the water.
after a while the water shuts off and Robert walks out and picks me up. i shiver as he touches me. the feeling of his touch arouse me.
he brings me into the bathroom and i see the tub is full of water and bubbles. he places me into the bath and i feel his smell surround me. i look at Robert and hes undressing.
he enters the bath with me and holds me to his chest as he pours water down on my head. he rubs bubbles onto me with a wash cloth. he cooes loving words to me as he does this. when hes done and i feel cleaner he holds me to his chest and i feel his chest rise and fall. i move a little but as i do my breasts brush his chest. i fight down the urge to quiver.
"i could see what you were seeing. hope im so sorry...the torture chamber is suppose to be inescapable without help....he must've had a traitors help." Robert whispers.
i whimper and shiver. i try to fight the memory from replaying itself in my mind. but it wins and like a horror movie it plays in my mind and i almost scream. i flinch every time i stab him with the bat.
Robert sighs. he gets out and grabs 2 towels. he dries off and finally opens the other towel for me. i slowly rise and walk out of the bath. i run into the towel. he wraps me up and brings me to the bed. he lays me down, then leaves. he comes back with a needle. i realize what the needles full of and i show him my neck to put the needle in. he puts the needle in me and i feel the sedatives go into my system.
i slowly fall asleep.

My posessive Mate {COMPLETED}
Lupi mannariHope was born in the blood fang moon pack. She is the alphas daughter. Robert was the alpha of the wings of blood pack . he was feared by many. And he was known as a dominant leader. What will happen when the meet and find out there mat...