chapter 28

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i wake up in the arms of a sleeping robert. i yawn and get up from the bed and head to the bathroom. i look into the mirror and see a weak and submissive figure that i barely recognize. i trace a scar on my arm from roberts wolf. i finally look away and grab a tooth brush. i brush my teeth then put my hair up and finally wash my face. i leave the bathroom and enter the closet. i pick out a nice dress and put it on with a pair of converses that make me look taller.

i walk out of his room and go to the dinning hall. there's a couple of people scattered around the room. i go to the coffee machine and pour myself a cup. "good morning hope!" i hear the beta mason call out. i turn around and see mason walking up to me. i smile and say "good morning mason!" he stops and gets a cup of coffee like i did. "the twins make the best coffee." he says as he takes a sip. i nod "i usually don't drink coffee but i made an exception for this one cup." i say. he laughs then looks at something behind me. "excuse me for a second." he says then walks behind me to someone. i turn around and see a child running up to mason. "DADDY!" i hear her shout. he scoops her up and gives her a big kiss on the cheek. a walk over to him and laugh. "who's this little angel i say as i put my coffee onto a nearby table. she looks at me and giggles then says  "my names Adeline!" i tickle her cheek, making her laugh. mason smiles then puts her down. "go find mommy addy." he  says to her. she nods then runs out of the dining room.

he chuckles then looks at me "she's a handful sometimes but its worth it." i nod then say "how old is she?"  "she's turning 6 next month." he says proudly. then i see him look off into the distance, most likely mind linking someone. he looks back at me after a second. "she got lost in the hallways, i gotta go find her. it was nice talking to you." he says then walks out of the dining hall.

i sit down at the table my coffees at. i look around at the other people in the room, every once in a while giving someone a nod to say hello. after a while robert walks in and sits next to me. 

he leans over to me and whispers into my ear "we're at the wrong table..our table is over there." he points to a table at the center of the room. i feel my cheeks flush with heat. he chuckles then helps me get up and leads me to the table. i sit down in the chair but he pulls me up. "i sit down first my little paws." he sits down then motions for me to sit down in the chair beside him.  i walk over and sit down, he puts his hand on my thigh, making me suppress a quiver. he chuckles, but does't move his hand. i cross my legs making him move his hand, but he puts it back on my leg when i stop moving. "you'll never win this game." he says to me only so i could hear. i move my legs again, only to have the same reaction from robert. he smirks.  i move my legs again and again but robert puts his hand on my leg every time. i finally give up and let him put his hand on my leg. i feel his hand trail upwards towards me, i quickly stand up hitting my legs on the table. i see him trying to suppress his laughter. i feel my face heat up again in a blush. i quickly walk over to the food and get a plate. i put eggs bacon and a yogurt on my plate. i walk back over to the table and sit 1 chair away from robert. i hear him whine. "you did this to yourself." i say and put a piece of bacon in my mouth.


i put my plate on the top of the dirty plates and walk out of the dining hall. i walk down the hallway and into roberts office. he was still eating in the dining hall so i went on his computer to pass the time. i click the screen and its locked.

'master whats the password for your computer?' i ask him in the mind link.

'its  little paws 00112277 ' he reply's.

i smirk then type it in. 

his home screen comes up and its me and him hugging each other. 

'i love your home screen its so beautiful.' i mind link him 

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