chapter 26

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i wake up alone in the bed. i look around. "robert." i call out expecting him to respond.

"help.." i hear him say. i jump of the bed. "robert! were are you?!?" i scream out. i go to his side and find him with a knife in his chest and a pool of blood under him and blood pouring out of his mouth. i scream and run over to him then fall to my knees and put his head on my lap "don't leave me please no no i-i-i- can't live without you please no no." i whimper out. 

all of a sudden masons in the doorway holding a choker. "my darling....come here." 

i look at him then fall onto roberts dead body. his blood rubs all over me. "please don't leave me against mason alone please no please.." i trail off...i feel my heart get ripped out as i realize he's dead.  i feel my hair get pulled as mason drags me away from his body. "no please please.." i call out right as mason open the collar.

robert shakes me awake. "HOPE WAKE UP." he lightly screams to me. my eyes flutter open and i tackle robert. "don't go. don't go. don't go. don't go." i repeat over and over to him.

robert hugs me and kisses my head "its okay my little paws. don't cry its okay it was just a dream my little one...i'd never go." i just hold him like he's going to abandon me.


i wake up on the bed with robert holding me close to him. i nuzzle into him and kiss him. he grumbles something which i can't decipher.  

"good morning big paws." i whisper into his ear.

he groans, then i see his eyes open and look at me. "good morning my little paws how did you sleep?" he says.

i rub my face against him, trying to mix my smell with his. but i know our smells won't mix until we complete the final step of mating.

"i slept well...with you by my side." i say and kiss his mark.

he kisses my head. but then he goes rigid. "robert?" i say. then i hear him growl and i know he changed. "hello hope." he says. i show him my neck. "you love him don't you." he states. i nod. "then you love me to." i nod. but then he grabs my hair. i whimper. "be almost ready to mate you." then he lets go and he closes his eyes. then he opens his eyes again and i know its robert this time. he wraps his arms around me and puts his chin on my head. "im so sorry he just takes over sometimes and i can't stop him. im so sorry." he says to me. i just hold him close to me and nuzzle my nose into the crook of his neck, smelling his delicious smell. 

"i-i-i don't want him to mate me..." i whisper. robert hugs me closer to him.."i don't either my little paws..." he whispers back...."don't let him hurt me again please..." i whimper.


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