caylee's eyes light up and she runs out, i see she has been beaten as badly as me. "oh my god hope.." she says as she hugs me. i hear robert growl, but not do anything. "i thought he had killed you...but then again i did give you that scalpel..." she murmurs to me. i nod then i explain to her how i got out of that hell hole. her mouth drops as i tell her what i did with the claws. then i ask her how she escaped and she said something under the lines of i killed a guard with a bone saw then ran out the door. we finish talking about our success storys and she looks at my wheel chair. "why the wheel chair?" she asks. i shrug and look at robert "ask him." he chuckles then says "well its my duty to care for her as her mate." caylee looks at him then me and puts her hand onto her mouth. "wait THATS YOUR MATE?!?!" i nod then yawn. robert looks at me then looks at Caylee and says "we need to go.." she nods then walks back into the medical bay.
as we leave he gives me a look then says "so.....who was that?" i giggle then tell him how she helped me in that hell hole. he nods and then grumbles something under his breath. i look at him and realize he's mind linking someone. he stops mind linking and bends down to my level. "my little paws, can you wheel to our bedroom?" i nod and roll the wheels, pushing me forward. i roll towards our room and go in. i see a nurse in it and i go over to the bed. i look at her then ask her what room i was in when i was in the hospital bay. she looks at me and says "room 0127 miss Luna." i ask her this because i want to know if she's a fake nurse, which she clearly is. so i let her help me into the bed, and let her move the iv to the pole and finally pull the covers over me, which smells like robert. as i try to move i hit a bruise and i feel the pain but it doesn't effect me...which slightly scares me. i watch her leave, and robert enter. "at least i didn't have to do that this time..." he says sarcastic. i laugh and make a pouty face. he chuckles and gets into the bed and swaddles me with his arms, pulling me towards him. i giggle and snuggle into him, accidentally hitting about 5 bruises, but i barely feel the pain. he purrs into my ear, making me snuggle into him more. "i love you.." he murmurs to me. "why wouldn't you..." i whisper. i feel him shrug and hug me tighter. his breathing steady's, sleeping. making me synchronize into his rhythm of sleep.....
i wake up hot and sweaty from being wrapped in a blanket and roberts arms. i try to move but he groans and pulls me closer. "i want to stay here forever and ever.." i whisper to him. he growls in approval then nuzzles into the crook of my neck "i would love that...but i need to attend to some pack business." he says as he kisses my neck. i try to cover a moan, but it doesn't work out as well as i thought it would. he chuckles then unwraps his arms from my body and stands up from the bed and walks over to the closet, getting out a new t-shirt and putting it on. he walks over to his shoes and puts then on. "i'll send someone in to help with your wheel chair." he says as he leaves. i hear the door close so i look at the clock to see what time it was. its almost time for dinner so i try to get up, but fail. i feel so useless...
that's because its are always have been. i hear my wolf say. she gave up on me when i submitted to mason...
suddenly i hear the door open and i see caylee walk in. "how was your sleep?" she asks me. i smile and say "best sleep i'v had since...well you know." she laughs and goes over to my iv. "it looks like this is almost wont need anymore of this after this batch." i look at it and then a question pops into my mind. "what is it anyway?" i ask. she looks at it then looks back at me. "i don't really know...i bet its so you can heal faster or something." she says. i look at it then back at my wrist. " long until you take this out of me?" i ask. she looks at the iv then says "in about a minute." so we wait there, talking about how me and mason met. then she takes another look at my iv and gets up. "its done." she says, so she undo's my wrapping from my wrist and takes the needle out. i move my wrist around then try to get up again, but Caylee pushes me back down. "no, i need to help you so you don't end up in a wheel chair becuase you fell and broke something permanently." she says then she walks over to the closet and walks out with a fancy gold and white pattern dress, with a flowy fabric that looks like it will go down to my feet. she walks over to me and puts the dress beside me. i look at it then say "oh...that would look beautiful on you!"she chuckles then says "no silly that's for you!" she helps me take off my clothes then put the dress on. i look at it and then at her. "i would do a twirl but i think i would break something if i did..." i say. she laughs than nods and brings the wheel chair over. "you can twirl in the wheelchair." she says and helps me into the wheelchair. as i sit down i hear someone knock on the door. "who is it?" i say. "mason. i'v come to remind caylee to speed the pace up." i chuckle then look at caylee. she looks at me then says "we need to do her hair and make-up." i hear mason groan then say "fine...but make it quick."

My posessive Mate {COMPLETED}
Lupi mannariHope was born in the blood fang moon pack. She is the alphas daughter. Robert was the alpha of the wings of blood pack . he was feared by many. And he was known as a dominant leader. What will happen when the meet and find out there mat...