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Kuroko p.o.v

Midorima kun. I said
Kuroko. He said.
You were supposed to be my lucky charm but I notice that every time I make you mad bad things happen.
...huh? I said.
He then explained his horoscopes warning.
That explains a lot. I said.
I guess you should stop anything that should bother me. I said
I knew that pissed him off.
I sat next to him. I corrected number 8. I said.
He didn't say anything.
He got up and said.
I'm cold. I need to warm up. Give me a blanket or somthing. I don't want to be sick. Tomorrow I have a test. He said.
My room is in the right, next to the bathroom. He walks in and grabbed the blanket that was nice organized and covered himself.
*POW* the thunder hit again.
Midorima kun. I said.
He ignored me.
The more he ignored me and did what he wanted the more he pissed me off.
I went next to him and grabbed the towel from under the blanket.
Kuroko! He said.
What are u doing? He asked
While covering himself with my blanket.
You keep ignoring me. I said. And it's pissing me off. I said.
Kuroko! Well what do u want me to say! He said.
I'm naked kuroko. In your bedroom and you want me to say something!? He said.
His face was flushed. He was so bright red.
Oh yeah, your right. I said.
I was enjoying myself embarrassing Midorima kun and I wanted to continue.
Midorima kun I said.
He turned around and ignored me.
I got closer to him.
Midorima. I said....
Midorima kun. I said again.
I touched his hair. It was soft.
I whispered to his ear. Midorima kun~
I knew he was ignoring me. He was pissing me of again I licked his ear and started to nibble on it.
W-what are you doing?! He said.
Grabbing his ear and blushing.
Pay attention to me.~ I started to sound like kise.
Kuroko what are you talking about?
he said.
I crawled up to him and kissed him in the chin.
Kuroko!? He said.
He pushed my face away.
Stop it he said.
I want to see Midorimas embarrassing expressions more.
Why you- he said, but I interpted him by licking his neck and nibbled on it.
Stop that kuroko. He said.
I did what he said and stopped. If you want me to stop then you know where the exit is. I said.
Kuroko.He said Angrily but I was having fun making him angry.
I sat down on top of his cock.
Midorima kun~ ♥
Let me enjoy you tonight.~♡
I kissed him and took off his glasses.
Kuroko. Stop this nonsense! He said
I put my hand under the blanket and touched his cock.
You're burning up I said. When was the last time someone ever did this to you?
I took off the blanket and covered us both. I started to make out with him.
Kuroko.... your starting to piss me off. He grabbed me and now he was on top of me. So you want to embarrass me? How about I do the same? Midorima said.

Midorima p.o.v
I grabbed kuroko and slide my tongue in his mouth making it all sloppy. Silva started to drip from our mouths. I put my hand under his shirt and start playing with his nipple.
Ah, m- midorima kun.
W-we should stop this~ kuroko said.
But we have just started. I said.
I take off his shirt and nibble on his right nipple while pinching the left one.
The rain wouldn't stop.
I then slowly put my left hand on top of  his shorts and stated to rub his cock.
Mmh.~ I heard kuroko moan. Which somehow it turned me on. I wanted more. I wanted to hear his screams.
More, more I want more from you I thought. When I finally felt like touching somthing more. I slowly put my hand under his underwear.
M-Midorima! No not, there~ ah,.Mido~
The way he says my name. I started rubing his cock up and down. He was getting hard.
Ahhh, mmmah~ he was trying not to moan. Covering his mouth.
So I went faster. I put my index finger and play with the tip of it.
More~ kuroko said.I looked at him and he was drooling he looked so dispret to have more.
I went lower to his cock and sticked my finger in his hole.
That suddenly shocked kuroko.
Ah~ w-wait!
I laughed and I sticked my middle finger in. I was pushing it in to far.
M-Midorima kun!~
I - I'm gonna cu-!
Ahh~ I heard him and I just smiled. I went next to his face. Which he was looking down. He was the one embarrassed now.
That was soon. I said
S- shut up! He said.
But that does not mean it's over. Someone is going to need to clean that mess down there. I pulled down his shorts which also his underwear. kuroko has sat up. Covering his crotch with one hand and the other his mouth. His face was red.
He was so cute. I couldn't help myself. I want him, and I wanted him now!
I pushed him down on the bed and started making out with him.
Mmh~ ah~ he was saying.
I just couldn't resist myself. I wanted more. I pulled his hair and he was looking at me straight. I licked his necked and kissed it. I wanted to taste him. He was so soft and sensitive. I bit him and he screamed.
Midorima! ~ah.
I went down and licked his nipple again.
They got pointy. I said.
He didn't say anything. He was just breathing hard. While licking and biting his nipple my hands were down his crotch. It was sticky.
Kuroko just shivered and tried not to moan by covering his mouth. I started to kiss his stomach and I got to where my hands were. His crotch was so cute. It was sensitive. I opened his legs slowly. I started to lick the inner thigh next to his cock. Where he left all cum on it. I was already drooling on his crotch. I went down and licked his dick. He was already moaning louder.
M-More!!~ ♥
lick me, more~ ♡
Thunder hit again.
I open my mouth and put kuroko's cock in it. I was slurping it and my tongue went all round it.

Kuroko p.o.v
I was grabbing my pillow tight. He was so good at this. He made me tremble. He was amazing. I'm burning up.
Kuroko, lift your hips. He said.
W-what? I said
I'm going inside you. He said.
w-wait you can't. You went to far, already. Let's just stop it here.
Haha he laughed slowly. That's funny when you say that. Since your still in basketball and haven't left yet.
You want me to quit. I asked.
Of course! He said. Someone like you should have never been able to join us. That pissed me off.
Let go of me! I said. I bet your clothes is already dry. You may leave now! Just when I was about to get up he pushed me down and said," you started this. Now I'm going to finish it." He grabbed my legs and opened me up. Just relax.
M- Midorima! Sto- ah! Ahh! Midorima's cock was big. He was going in and out. He was pushing so hard. Ahh~ah~ahhh~
He was going fast. Shaking the bed. Hmm~ah I heard him moan. He finally dropped in top of me. Breathing heavy. Midorima was already soaked again, but in sweat.
You really piss me off, kuroko. He said.
I know, I said.
(Silence) *still breathing hard*
That was amazing I said.'re an idiot, kuroko. The rain was already cooling off, but Midorima was already asleep. I guess I should sleep as well.
-----------------------------------------------------, I hope you liked it. And again sorry my spelling errors.

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