After school

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Midorima p.o.v

On a Wednesday morning, I got up and fresh en up. I did my hair and button  my t-shirt.  I wrapped my straps on my fingers. I then grabbed my belongings and went to school. I then stopped when I saw kuroko and kise talking. I didn't know how to act towards kuroko anymore.  I did the usual as if nothing has happened. 
Midorimachii!  Kise kun yelled. I looked at kuroko and blushed. Then looked away. Kise  kept talking to kuroko . I was behind them.
So kuroko are you going somewhere after school? Kise kun asked.
I am not. Kuroko said
Kuroko then gave a quick glance at me and turned back to kise.
Kise then hugged kuroko from the back. Then how about we go to the movies. Only the two of us.
What do u sa- (interpted)
Kise kun!! Ryotu!
Kise's fans were screaming and following him. He just ran and said think about it okay kurokochii!! He then left running away from his fans.
Before I noticed  kuroko was already beside me. We walked together. It was awkward.  So I  started the conversation.
Um, how's your body?
He looked at me then he looked at front. I'm fine. He said.
It got silent again.  Midorima kun are you busy after school? Kuroko asked me.  
No, I just have some things I need to take care of. Why do you ask? I said
I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies.  Kuroko said
Oh, I see. Alright. I put my glasses in its symmetrical place. 
We walked to school and I got class in time. I was thinking about kuroko.  About what movie we would watch? How should I act around him?
Before I knew it.  It Was Lunch Time I Went To The Snack Machine.  On my way back I saw kuroko and kise hanging out. I was able to hear their conversation from where I was. I was able to see them. Not that I cared what they were talking about...
Kise was whineing.
Kurokochii, please come to the movies with me. We barely hang out. Kise said.
Kuroko: kise I have already said I can't.
Kise:why not?
Kuroko:because, I'm busy.
Kise:please. Kurokochii please.
* pushed kuroko to the wall.*
Kise:kurokochii your so mean.
He then grabbed kuroko's hand and got closer to his face.
*Kuroko then pushed him back.*
Kuroko: kise kun I already told you, I'm not interested in you. Besides, I already have someone else I like.
Kise: ....  who?
Kuroko: I believe it's not your business to know.
Kise: of course it is.
Kise then kissed kuroko at force. Kuroko tried to push away, but kise kept grabbing his face. I didn't know what to do. If I stopped them it would have been awkward.  Besides. I don't think it's my business.
I walked away some steps, but I kept hearing their conversation and I was able to see them.
Kuroko: kise kun please let go of me.
Kise: why not me?
Kuroko: kise, please let go.
Kise then let go of kuroko.
Kuroko then left.
I  left and headed back to class.  It was about to start.  

Class then ended.
There was no practice today. I then went to my locker to take off my school shoes.  I saw kuroko waiting for me. We didn't say anything and walked home together.
Are we not going to the movies? Kuroko asked.
... i forgot about it. I said, but still agreed to go.
We  went and we argued about what movie to choose.  He wanted a historical action movie. I wanted a science fiction movie.  Until  we finally chose it was neither of them but instead  a romantic comedy.  I grabbed the popcorn and he grabbed the drinks.  We headed to the top of the seats.  There seemed not to be many people. We sat down and the movie was about to start. It was long and boring at first but somthing unexpected happened.
-movie -
I love you too. -main character from movie.
I Love You more-  Partner Of Main character.

No, stop~

It was getting awkward.
I wanted to go home already. That's when I felt someone hold my hand. I look at my hand and then I look to kuroko. Kuroko was looking straight at the movie. Then he blushed still looking straight forward.  He knew I was still staring at him. He then looked down and with his other hand he  covered his mouth and started to blush even more.
I then looked forward and hold his hand tight. Before I knew it, he had his hand in my thigh. He was touching it slowly.
Uh, kuroko.... I said.
He looked down at his feet and whispered to me.
How would you act turned up in public?
Ku- eh.
*Kuroko touches Midorima's cock and rubs it. *
Kuroko! I said out loud
Shhh...! Some stranger in the middle row said.
Midorima kun you should be quiet.  We are in public. Kuroko said.
That should be my line I said. What are you doing. I asked.
*Kuroko kept rubbing Midorima's cock.*
Shhh... kuroko said.
Shhh! stranger  said again.
I just kept quiet.
My hands were still.
Kuroko~ I said trying to hold back.
Midorima~ ♥
He then grabs my tie and pulls me close to his face and we kissed.
Kuroko, I said
We started to make out.
He sticked his tounge inside my mouth.  Our eyes were open. He then put his right hand in my hair and with his left hand he was rubbing my cock. 
I then closed my eyes and pulled him close to me.
My mouth was all watery. 
No, ah~
W-we can't. I said.
We're in public. I said.
You should be enjoying yourself. Kuroko said With a straight face.
Kuroko...I said slowly.
I love you, Midorima kun. He said.
He then looked down and he unzipped my pants.
K-kuroko! I said.
He put his hand in my mouth.
Shhh.. be quiet.
I didn't say anything.
You're so hard. Kuroko said.
He then pulled out my cock.
He then started to rub it down and up.
You're so hot..~  kuroko said enjoying himself.
I - I can't hold it, I'm going to-
I looked at kuroko's face covered with my cum.
I was covering my face. It was so embarrassing. 

Kuroko p.o.v
After Midorima cummed all over my face. I wanted him so bad.
*licks lips with cum on it *
Midorima~I said.
You're so cute. I said.
Huh. He said.
I then get down to the floor and start to lick his dick.
Kuroko~ Midorima said
I then put his cock in my mouth. I started to suck on it.
Midorima started to moan. Then he realized he was in public and tried not to moan to loud and covered his mouth. I was still licking and sucking on his cock. Midorima then grabbed the back of my hair and pushed me farther in.
I then choked.  I don't know what he was thinking.  His cock was to thick and long, but I was enjoying myself.  I then decided to pull down my pants and underwear. I wanted him inside of me.
Midorima~ I said.
He knew what I wanted.
I guess he wanted the same thing.
He then grabbed me and sticked his cock inside my hole.
*Midorima covers kuroko's mouth*
Midorima closes his eyes and starts to grab kuroko's hips and moves him, down and up.
*Kuroko then licks Midorima's hand. And then Midorima's fingers are in Kuroko's mouth.*
Kuroko then starts to move himself in Midorima. 
His cock is so hot and he feels so good inside me. Kuroko's said to himself.
I was already drooling on Midorima's fingers.
The movie was about to end and we needed to stop what we're were doing. The lights were going to be turned on and I did not want to be in this position.
We should continue later I said.
He agreed.
He cleaned himself up and I  buckle up my pants. The movie was ending and showing the illustrations.
The soft lights were showing and people were leaving.  We decided to go to the bathroom and make sure we didn't look like a mess.
We headed out.
It was so awkward, but I was glad.
I then looked behind us and side to side to make sure nobody was watching.  I then hugged Midorima's arm. And smiled to him.
I'm so glad. I said.
Midorima pushed me away.
W-what's wrong? I asked worried.
How dare you do that in public. He said. Blushing.
Nobody saw. I said.
Still! He said.
I'm sorry. I said.
We kept walking home.
I didn't -I wasn't. .. I-... i said.
I'm going home. He said.
He Left Me there Standing Looking At His back. He then stopped and turned around and kissed me in the forehead.  I - I'm sorry. He said.
He then left.
I didn't know what to say or think.
Was he angry at me? Why did he apologized?  He is so nice to me in his own way. I smiled and walked home.
So I know this chapter didn't last long. I want to know your comments. Any ideas or questions. 
So yeah...

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