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So a week has passed by and mid terms are coming up and I have been busy. Then we had basketball practice which that really didn't bother me because we always win so no worries there. It was a Wensday today and the day seemed slow, I had breakfast before heading to school. I turned the TV on to check what was on and nothing good seemed there. Then a commercial came up of two couples and made me remember of kuroko. I still can't belive he made a big scandal for valentines day, but that was over. No more love feelings.. or at least I hope not. I was ready to head to school. I haven't walked with kuroko to school. It's been such a long ti-....
Who cares?! Why am I even thinking about him. I got to school and went to class.
We had a lunch break after a couple of hours and I saw kise playing soccer. Akashi seemed to be alone for the moment and I went to the vending machine to get tea and bumped into Murasakibara. Then again he was caring many sweet treats. I didn't even want to say something to him so I ignored him and he walked past me. He then stopped and said, Mido- chan~ Akashi wants a word with you. I didn't like the sound of that and with kuroko hanging around me at school seemed to make me uncomfortable. We aren't meant to be together. I signed and said alright.
He then turned around and walked away. I put my glasses up to their place and walked to the classroom where Akashi seemed to be. The room seemed to be dark. I knocked and walked in. "You needed me?" I asked and he turned around and smiled. Yes, I have some questions I need to ask you. Akashi said.
Alright, go ahead. I said.
What did you think about valentines day?
I knew where this was going. I calmed down.
Same as always, I said.
Which that is? He asked.
Unnecessary. I said.
I see, he said.
There was this silence.
Still not getting along with the teammates? He asked.
I knew exactly who he was meaning.
It's just him I said.
He looked at me and said nothing.
That was all I wanted to talk. I want to be alone for the moment. I then left and walked away.
He knows. I have a feeling he does know.
I went back to my classroom and just when I was about to sit down I was stopped by 2 girls. They said that one of their friends wanted to have a word with me. I signed.
I should be more cautious about my actions with kuroko.
I walked where their friend was. She had long flowing brown hair. Her face was small, her hands seemed sensitive,and she seemed very shy for some reason?
I walked up to her and asked," you wanted to talk to me? "
She looked down and tried to speak up.
U-um, I just wanted to-to..... I really like you, please go out with me! She then bow down.
He hair was flowing around.
I didn't know what to say. I'm not really someone who would be confessed to.
I was looking for the words to unaccept her request.
She then looked in to my eyes.
"Um, I'm sorry. I'm not interested. "
She then stood there and then said,"oh, a-alright." She asked why then. I said I didn't had the time for it. She tried to convince me to try. She then grabbed my
hand and said,"why?"
I told her " let go of my hand and that I would think about it."She then smiled and ran away.
I would really want to. To be honest, I couldn't I don't have the time for that. I guess I didn't want to deal with her I told her that I would think about it. The next class was about to start so I got back.
During class my head got back on track and before I knew it it was time to go. I wanted to study since tomorrow we have practice and I wouldn't have time. On my way to the lockers to change back into my regular shoes.
I heard my name being called. I didn't know who. I turned around and realize nobody standing there. I thought that maybe I was hearing things. When turned back around kuroko was standing right in front of me. He surprised me. He then said that "we should walk home together." I just walk past him. With me socializing with him and Akashi keeping an eye on me, gives me shivers.
Though that didn't seem to bother kuroko. He just followed me. I walked faster and he did the same. I slowed down and he reached up to me.
It was silence.
I expected him to complain or something. He didn't say anything.
When he finally said something he started with, "I'm trying."
I look at him and he is facing down. I tell him to follow me and we stopped a children park. We sat at a bench. He didn't say anything so I began the talk. "What do you mean you're trying?"
"I don't know what to do." I feel like I'm a bother to you." .... I heard that you got confessed. what happened? " Did you accept it? He asked
No. Well, sort of. I said.
" What do you mean? " he asked worried.
I told her that I would think about, because at first she didn't accept the decline to her offer. To let her stop bothering me I just told her that I would think about it. I don't know who she was. I Don't like her. I said.
W-was she pretty? He asked.
What? Well, I guess you could say that. I said as I looked at the playground. Then why did you decline? He asked.
What? I said
You like pretty girls. I bet if you got to know her you would accept her offer. He said and looked away.
"True," I said
"Why won't you just go to her and go out with her," he said.
I looked at him....
I thought of everything he had said. Till it finally hit me. Oooohh~
"Yeah, I bet if I go to her, she would be happy." I said.
He didn't say anything.
But I wouldn't be happy at all.... I continued.
Kuroko, I'm not sure you know this but, there is someone else I'm into. I said as I stood up.
He looked at me.
Who? He asked.
I thought he would get a hint. I didn't think he would make me say it.
Y-you know who. I said as I put my glasses up to their place.
"Mmm- nope. Don't have a clue." He said. As he stood up. Who? He asked again.
"Don't make me say it". I said.
Well, I just want to make sure..He said
...."you." I mumbled.
"Sorry I couldn't hear that. Could "YOU" speak louder?" He said.
It's you!... I said.
"Oh. I didn't know."He smirked.
I feel embarrassed.
Say that you're into me then. I already know it's me now. So say it all completely.
"I-into you. Completely. I think... kinda, sort of. I said.*Not trying get embarrassed. *
We then walked home. He held onto my hand. I'll make you say that you like me next. He said.
I doubt it. I said. He then smiled and kept on walking.

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