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Kuroko p.o.v
So it's been 2 weeks since midorima punched kise and all that commotion. It's so obvious their mad because they don't seem to pass the ball to each other in last few games we had. During school but mostly in basketball practice's Midorima hasn't been talking to me. He ignores me. Like he used to. I'm still confused. I know he likes me, but then again why does he act that way. I guess I shouldn't be talking. I myself let kise complex me. Then with the exams we've been having lately, which I know for a fact that midorima doesn't have time for me because he's been studying. I just think we should have time for each other.
The next day in the morning. I walk alone to school. Sometimes kise walks with me if we wait for each other but things got awkward between us. We ignore it but it still bothers. After that we don't walk together as a group. Anyways, I got to class and set my head on my desk. I'm tired. Not just school is tiring but now I feel like I don't know how to get together with midorima. I mean I have his email but he doesn't email me back...
- After school I decided to wait for midorima. I wanted just to spend that little time with him. When he noticed I was waiting for him he didn't say anything. We walked silently. November is almost over. It starting to get chilly. We walk back home. I mention if he has been busy lately?
He looked at me like what kind of question is that? I looked at him then looked down. He then later asks if I'm going to be busy tomorrow? I lighten up, thinking maybe he wants to go to some place. Just the two of us.
I answered with a no.
He then said, " then how about you come to my place tomorrow and we study together."
I returned to reality. Thinking what kind of date is that?! I couldn't complain. I would at least spend some time with him....
Yeah, sure. I said.
After that we didn't speak at all. I head straight to bed once I got home.
The next day I felt even more tired. I guess it was just the weather. I managed to get up and dressed myself. I left home pretty late and got to school in time. During lunch break I get an email from midorima saying to meet at 5 at his place. I have totally forgot about it. I got kind of angry he finally emailed for something as a study day or whatever. I didn't even emailed back. Not only because I was mad but I didn't even want to reply immediately. Good thing we don't have practice today. I wouldn't be able to move. I just kept eating my sandwich.
When it was finally time to go.I just walked alone back home. I didn't want to see no one. I wasn't mad just tired. I wanted to go back home.
When I did I did the same thing as yesterday. Went to bed.....
When I woke up to check what time it was it was around 4:30. I looked at my phone to notice about 12 emails from midorima. I forgot again about it. I got up and changed to a regular outfit. And grabbed my jacket and walked to Midorimas place. I would like to get there in time than come late and argue with him.
I knocked and Midorima opens up.
Hey I said.
Why didn't you email me back? He asked.
I forgot I've been busy. I said I come in and walk to the living room.
Oh we're going to study in my room he says. I can't bring all of my paperwork and text books over here.
I then follow him to his room.
I didn't expect much from it. He had a bookshelf full of books. A desktop and a computer, a bed. Of course there were his lucky items around. We leaned down to a small table set down and went over the materials.
This was the 2 hours worst of my life. Time was slow. At school, teachers barely notice me sleep but here is different. All of the focus is on me which I kinda like but not what I wanted. We finally took a break. I was drop dead. I'm going to bring coffee you want some? He asked
Y-yeah I said
He leaves and closes the door.
I growned. When is this going to be over!? I look at the time and it's about 7:08. I layer there in the floor. I then look at over and realized there was a bed. I just head over and put my head in the pillow. I know this might be weird but I kept on smelling the pillow. Before I knew it, my eyes slowly shut.
I then heard.
I slowly opened my eyes and see midorima standing there.
What are you doing there?! He asked.
I then faced the other side.
Don't ignore me!
I was then sent back to my original seat to keep on studying. We kept on about 25 minutes. I couldn't understand it. I just kept looking at Midorima. I then slowly looked down at his neck then his arms,chest. I crawled up next to him and made him look at me and kissed him. It probably lasted about 4 seconds. Midorima pushed me back. What are you doing!? He asked angrily
I just wanted to kiss you. I said. Being honest.
Don't waste my time with this. He said.
Midorima, do you really like me? I asked.
Why do you keep on asking me that question? Midorima asked.
Don't you ever think about me? About us?
It got silent. Which I really hate it because it makes me realize of what I just did.
Kuroko, when I asked you to come. I didn't had that in mind. I thought you might be worried because you needed an average grade to continue basketball and I know for sure that you don't want to quit. I didn't mean for any mistaken conclusion of yours. Midorima said
It got awkward.
I got up and apologized for everything. When heading to the door I was stopped. I felt Midorima's presences behind me.
Where are you going? Studying isn't over. Midorima said.
No, I don't want to study anymore. I said
Was it... for something I said midorima asked.
No, it's not that, I turned around and looked at him. I kissed him again. I opened the door but Midorima shut it with force.
Kuroko, if there's something you want to tell me then say it. I can't read your mind.  He said
There is! I said. I turned around again and looked at him angrily. We haven't spoken,  we haven't hanged out! I don't know what you're thinking?! I'm not even sure about anything anymore......
It got silent again.
I'm just tired.  Just ignore everything I just said. I told him I open the door and Midorima shuts  it again.
What are you doing?! I don't want to stay any longer here. I said.
I didn't know you felt like that. I'm sorry. I've been busy lately. He said.
Yeah, I noticed.  I told him. He then hugs me from the back. I'm tired too Kuroko.  He says.
Then, I should probably leave. I said.
But midorima didn't let me go. Instead he hugged me tighter.
Um, midorima.  You can let go of me already.  He didn't say anything. 
I really do hate you. He whispers it.
W-what! I said
He then kissed me forcefully. I tried to push him, but I couldn't. 
Ha, ha,* breathing heavily*
What are you doing?  I asked speechless.  I don't get you at all! I said  angrily facing him.  Before I knew it I was crying. I covered my face with my hands.  This is so pathetic. I'm just tired. Just let me leave. I said.
I'm sorry kuroko. Midorima said.
I didn't know. He said. He removed my hands from my face.
No, stop. I don't want to be here.
I'm sorry. He leaned close to my face and looked at me. He then kissed me passionately. 
T-then why did you say you hate me?! I said. *hic up*
I can't help it. I hate you, but then I love you. He said.
Your actions don't make sense with your words. I said.
I hate you because your a distraction. I can't focus. When I'm not with you. You're all I think about. When I'm close to you, I don't know how to act. I get nervous.  I- I don't know.
I'm not good with these kinds of things. With these feelings. Be straight forward, but don't do something stupid. He said.
I'm sorry as well. I said.
He then hugged me.  We then kissed again and I felt very turned on. I don't know if it was the right moment or not. I'm kinda shy to ask as well. 
Midorima- kun, are you going to still continue with your studies? I asked
Eh, um well. It would be awkward if we continued though. Let's just leave it at that. He said.
It got silent.  Please get a hint here!! I tried to look like I wanted to be with him but instead I think it's time for you to go. I don't believe you would want to continue. He said
.... oh. Yeah. I must go... I opened the door and this time I actually expected him to shut it but he didn't.  Once I got outside I was disappointed, but at the same time I'm happy I was able to tell him how I felt. Our feelings was what counts.  I just hope he gets the idea that I want to cuddle or something!  Oh, well whatever.

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