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So what happens after Midorima and kuroko just had sex. Do they go back to their old ways or has somthing changed between them? Find out here.
Midorima p.o.v
I heard birds twit in the early morning. I got up and looked for my glasses. Till I touched somthing. I pulled the blanket away and kuroko was right THERE! He was naked. I looked around and I was in Kuroko's room. I was naked as well. Then I remembered what I did last night. I hurried to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with only toothpaste. I put my dry clothes on and grabbed my belongings. I stopped at the door and looked at the umbrella.
All I wanted was an umbrella. I thought.
I head out and started to walk fast home. What was I thinking?

Kuroko p.o.v
I heard the door close and looked around. What just happened? What was I thinking? I got up but fell down my back was hurting. My ass was burning. I headed to the bathroom and took a shower. I made a sandwich but I couldn't taste it. All that was in my mind right now was Midorima kun.
I got ready for school on Tuesday. On the way over there I was hugged and then carried by kise kun.
Kise kun, good morning. I said.
Good morning, Kurokochii!
Can you please put me down kise kun I said.
He put me down and we started walking. He kept blabbing on and on about things. I just listen. We finally got to school and switched to our school shoes. I headed to my class and sat at my desk. As time passed it was time for practice. I headed to the gym lockers. When I opened the door my eyes met with Midorima.
It was silent. Really awkward. Till I finally said, Midorima I believe we need to talk.
He stopped whatever he was doing. I was behind him. His shirt taken off. About last night- I said.
Kuroko. I was interpted.
What happened last night was an accident. Nothing more. I do not wish to talk about it. Midorima said
About last night-
Kuroko! I already said I don't want to talk about it. He said.
Well I do! I said.
Last night, it was no accident. It wasn't a mistake either. It was a choice. So please turn around when I talk to you. I said
*Midorima turns around*
Choice or not, it was not suppose to be like that! He said.
Well it already happened. I said.
So what!? He said.
I- I don't want things to be weird between us. I said.
He didn't say anything. He put his gym shirt on and closed his locker.
It won't be weird, just different. He said.
What do u mean? I asked.
I don't want to be involved with you to be honest,but it would be a lie if I said that I can't stop thinking about you.... about last night. So let's just stop it there. I want things to be like they used to. He said
Well I don't! I said.
I can't stand it when you ignore me. When you insult me. When you don't listen to me. That day was different. That day you were pleasured. We finally agreed. You didn't insult me nor did I felt like a bother to you. All your attention was on me. I said
I don't want things to be back at it like that. So don't you dare tell me to forget about it! I said.
He didn't say anything.
He grabbed his towel and bottle water and headed to the door and stopped. He turned around and said" do whatever you want."
And left.
I looked at the door and then at the floor.
Maybe I was asking to much, or maybe for something impossible. What was it that I wanted? What was I expecting? Why did I think things were going to change? I wanted to go home. I didn't feel like practicing. Just about to head out I bumped into Aomine.
Tetsu. He said.
Aomine kun.
How come you haven't changed into you gym clothes? He asked.
I'm not feeling well. I would like to go home early.
Oh ok, it's very unusual for Tetsu to leave like this. Is anything up? He said
No, it's ok. I'm fine. My back Hurts by the way. I must as well rest. I said
Oh ok then, I'll go tell the coach. He said.
Thanks, I said.
And walked away.

Aomine p.o.v
*exhausted* it feels weird without Tetsu here. Even though you can't notice him.
Ha? Kise. What do you want? I said
Where's kurokocchii? Kise asked
He went home early. He said his back hurt and should take rest. I said
Oh I see. Well. Let's go one on one and this time I will win. Kise said.
If you say so. I said.

Midorima p.o.v
Mmmmhh... So kuroko left home. That's what I heard from kise and Aomine. His back hurt? Uh, was it from last night?! Then it was my fault.
I should probably check on him, but after that conversation with him in the locker. It's going to be awkward. Well I'm just going to see if he's okay.
I talk to the coach and asked if I could leave early. I already trained.
He seemed busy with other materials so he accepted.
I walked to kuroko's house. I stopped at his doorstep. Thinking what to say.. but nothing seemed to come up. I just knocked anyways....
*Sorry for my bad grammer and spelling errors. * :-I

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