The Game

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Kise p.o.v

I couldn't sleep at all. After what Kurokochii said to me last night. Those words kept repeating inside my head. I hurt him. I should have listened to Akashichii and not let my feelings get the best of me.  Today we had a game Akashichii told us to be ready for, but I definitely did not want to attend. Seeing him again would make me feel bad, but I knew that if I didn't show up, Akashichii would make me running 100 laps. I got myself dressed up and went for a morning run. I needed to get distracted with something else. I suddenly received a message to huddle up with the whole basketball team for a quick practice before the game. I went back home and grabbed my belongings.  I then walked to the school and met up with Aominechii. We had our talk and we even had a one on one game. From there Akashichii explain the tactics we were going to play at the game. He told us to stretch and then we got on bus that took us to the stadium. During the way there I kept glancing at Kurokochii, but he just kept looking at Midorimachii. I couldn't do or say anything at this point.

We head to the locker rooms that were assigned to us and from there on we were going to start first round. During the game my teammates were doing just fine, but I couldn't focus on the game. People kept blocking me didn't give me no chance to get through.
They would keep stealing the ball. I was nowhere in the zone.
Of course I was taken out and set on the bench.  I stood up and let Akashichii know that I would use the bathroom real quick, but instead I went to the locker room to think.

Kuroko p.o.v

I woke up late today. I went to the meet up with my other teammates. I saw Kise there. He looked sleepy. I think I was a little too hard on him. I should have used other words to reject him. He just keeps on insisting. What he did that day hurt me. I trusted him. I was by Aomine most of the ride to the stadium.  My eyes just kept glancing over to Midorima though. When we arrived, Akashi went over the game plan and from there on we changed into our basketball uniforms.  In the first round I was set on the bench. They wanted to see the flow of the game and what tactics the opponent would use against us. However, it looked liked they weren't using any big plans. Then how come they were ahead of us? Apparently our teammates weren't concentrated. Kise was having a rough time on the floor. He couldn't get through.  It wasn't like him to get stuck in moments like this. Was it because I was rude to him yesterday? Is that why he isn't in his zone? Akashi then had a word with him and put him on the bench.  He was quiet. He got up and told Akashi that he had to use the restroom and left. I followed him, but he didn't went to the bathroom.  Instead to the locker room.
I should I just stood there in front of the door. My hand was placed on the door knob. I thought to myself  "what exactly was I doing there?" "What should I say? Will this make things worse?" It took me a moment to think. I opened it and he was sitting there on the bench.  I guess he didn't realize that I was inside until the door made the closing sound. He looked towards the door and was surprised to see me. 

"Kurokochii? "

I just sat right next to him. I didn't really thought this through. " Kise, what I said yesterday... I'm sorry. The word choice was inappropriate and my tone was out of balance. "

"N-no. I was wrong. I  did something horrible to you and I know that you can't accept my apology that easily. I don't know what was going on through my head at that time.  I, I am really sorry. Kurokochii." 

"Let's win this game alright and then afterwards I will accept that apology of yours."

"K-Kurokochii~ " Kise said almost about to burst into tears.

Kise jumped up to Kurko and hugged him like he hasen't seen him in years. 

"Kise please let go. We are missing the game." I said annouyed.

"Yes! "Kise shouted proudly.

I stood up and headed towards the door when kise put a hand on the door stopping me from opening it. 

"There is something else I wanted to say Kurokochii." He looked embaressed and looked away. "As much as I hate to accept it, I wish you well with Midorimachii." 

"Kise?" I said looking at him.

"My feelings are real. I meant what I said to you back then at your place. If he ever breaks your heart you can always count on me to comfort you. So if by any chance your relationship does not work, I am still here. " Kise said and then looked at me with one of those smiles he poses for his magazine shoots.

"Okay" I said with a straight up face.

Kurokochii~! Kise said as he wined and let me through the door. 

"I'm serious here" Kise said.

"Yes I know" I said and head down with the others.

When we arrived to the game we were ahead of the other team. Kise was shortly sent back to the floor and copied his way towards a final score. That's how pretty much the game went.  My teammates weren't so worried about losing. To this day I still did my best in all the games possible. It was fun playing basketball with the others. I knew that sooner or later I had to forgive Kise. I missed playing basketball like we did. 

We did some stretching before going. Packed our things and left. I was tired. The first thing that I was going to do once home was to go to bed. 

When we arrived Akashi did a small speech and released us.  I felt like he knew that I went to talk with kise between the game. Akashi has always been a different story to begin with.  He ain't the type to take a "no"  for an answer. During this time I didn't really focus much on it. Or at least I didn't want to. We all followed his rules and guidelines.  I had no complain so far, but I felt trapped near him. As if I wasn't someone to him, but something. I didn't care at this point. All I wanted was to play basketball with everyone. If it weren't for him I wouldn't be able to.  I've been stuck in this cycle with him. However, after meeting Midorima I felt like he saw me like someone. I mean at first he didn't like me at all for many different reasons, but now I feel like this cycle is slowly disappearing. It was fun having everyone getting along like one. Even though Akashi treated me bad, if it weren't for him I wouldn't have met all these amazing people. I can sustain it for a little while till School ends for me. Some dreams can't be hold without consequences in the way. I guess after being with Midorima, all those negative thoughts have been thrown out the window.   I lay down in bed and look at my ceiling. Thinking about why things turned out the way they did.  I message Midorima good night. Of course I don't receive anything back and set away my phone.  After a few Minutes I heard my phone beep. I grabbed my phone thinking that It might be Midorima that sent me back a message, but it wasn't. It was just a notification. I groan and set it away again. Just when I was about to find my spot in my bed my phone beeps again. I go again and grab it. It said : New Message.

I quickly got up and opened it. 

Kise: Good Night. Sweet Dreams. ;)


 I lay back again. I then messaged him back.

: Good Night. 

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