I guess.

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Midorima p.o.v

In the morning. On my way to school I met up with kise. He was listening to music when he saw me, he smiled as usual.
Good morning! midorichii
I see you're carrying your lucky item of the day as usual. He says.
Of course I said.
He just kept smiling.
We kept on walking like nothing happened. Till he suddenly said.
I love him. I then made a slow stop and turned around and he had his serious face on, his eyes narrowed.
What are you talking about? I said.
I, I- love kuroko. He blurt out. His face then turned red. He was serious with kuroko. I could tell he was telling the truth. Kise isn't always honest with his feelings.
Why are you telling me this? I asked
He didn't say anything, he looked down as he was embarrassed. He then looked at me and finally said,
Because I know he loves you, but I just can't accept that you're the one. I know you better. You can't do the same for him. You don't have those feelings for him!
There was a long silence.
I put my glasses up. Turned around and said, "you're right kise. I don't have time for that, for him I mean. I don't care what you're feelings towards him are. I want my space back. Do whatever you want I said.
And walked ahead.
I got to class and I was talking notes. I couldn't concentrate on what the teacher was saying. My head was full with images of kuroko. I kept on remembering what kise said about kuroko. He was right. I want things to go back, as they were. I just want things to go back normal again. I dont want anything to do with kuroko. I don't have the time and especially the feelings for it. I don't want this to be my responsibility. The more I thought about it the more it made sense to just let him go. Not that he's mine but he was a bother. I have to admit. It was fun to embarrass him, but I had my limit. I didnt know how to confront him with this. Before I knew it lunch time came and I was hungry. I went to the vending machine and just when I didnt want to see kuroko, I did. He was with kise. He was probably talking to him about this morning. This was getting in my nerves. I wanted to talk to him properly about this, but I couldn't not now. So instead I head to class and ate my lunch. As time went by, class was over. I waited for kuroko which seemed forever.The school was so quiet. I think he believed what kise said this morning. Not that it was a lie but, well I wanted to discuss this with him. Just when I was about to walk home I remembered I left my note book in my desk. I went back to get it. From the classroom window I saw kise and Kuroko. Not that I cared, but it bothered me. I followed them and they seemed to head to the gym storage. Not strange at all they were probably going to play basketball one on one. They entered and I saw kise place his hands on this back and slowly to his waist and the door slowly closed. I didn't want to think bad about this. It's not my problem. I went closer to the storage. I was able to hear their conversation.
Kuroko, how are things working out with Midorima? Kise asked kuroko
It's fine. Kuroko said.
Is it really? Kise asked.
Kuroko looked at kise.
Yes. Kuroko said.
Okay then, but it's not what you expected, right~
Kise goes up to kuroko and whispers something. I could not hear them.

Kuroko p.o.v
Kise goes up to me and whispers in my ear and says" I can make you feel so good~♡ He then licked my ear and I backed away quickly. I didn't know what to say and if I did say something it wouldn't go through kise's head. He ignores everything I say. Just when I was about to speak. He kisses my cheek so smoothly and licks me down toward the neck. I didn't know what to do. My body didn't respond. It's as it was paralyzed.
K-kise, stop.
Don't wanna he says and pissed me off.
Back off! I said. And he threw me to the floor. He kneeled down and he started to unbutton my shirt.
No, stop this! I said.
I can't. I'm very horny right now. He says.
He kissed me forcefully that I couldn't breath.
I want you kuroko. So bad. Then he goes down my chest and nibbles on my right nipple. While pinching the other one.
I couldn't contain myself. Maybe kise was right. Maybe Midorima didn't have the same feelings for me. I felt a tear drop falling down my cheek. Before I realized it I was crying nonstop. Kise then stopped and took a look at me. He licked my tears away. And smirked
I always thought of doing this. He says. Every time I jerked off you were in my mind and you were so cute. I wanted to bite you. He then began to unbutton my pants I was pushing him but I was so weak. Well more like he was strong. That's when Midorima opened the door and grabbed him by his shirts collar and punched him. I did not expect that. I couldn't move. He then carried me and got  out of there.
He took me to the bathroom and we were both in the same stall.
A-are you okay? He says.
Yeah, I said.
It got silent.
Why didn't you do anything about it? Midorima asked me.
I tried but I couldn't. I said
Do you, l-like him? He asked.
Huh? Why would- oh, could it be that you were je-?
Of course not. He says.. I could tell he was lying. He was blushing.
Why did you came? I asked.
I, I don't know. My body just reacted on its own. He says.
Could it be that you like me? I asked.
I hope not. He says
I hit his ankle.
I'm sorry. He says. To be honest. I'm not sure. I feel weird when I'm around you. He says.
I smirk. So, do you like that feeling? I asked.
I guess. He says.
I get on top of the toilet seat and kissed him.
Let's do it here, I said.
W- what?! He yells out.
Of course not! He said.
I laughed and smiled. I was just kidding. I like getting you mad. He didn't say anything.
I now know that he does have a little feelings for me. Well, "I guess."

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