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Midorima p.o.v
I wake up and look at my phone to find a popping date that today is Kuroko's Birthday. I move to another position in my bed thinking what to give him. Gloves? Nah. A basketball? Maybe Other team members Will give him that? Hmmm....
I then stare at the frog that i have in my room. Staring at me like you know exactly what to give him and that's when it happens. I know what to give him. I hurry up and get changed.  Today was Saturday and we were planning a surprise party for him. All of the team members were going to be there. When I got the present I wrapped it up.  The party was small we  played games and had food. It was getting late and each of us head to our homes. Usually Aomine walks with kuroko, but momoi was having a headache and they left early. Akashi left, as Murasakibara followed him. Kise didn't really accepted for me and kuroko to walk home alone so he tagged along. I didn't care. It was awkward though. We walked home till kise got a call.
Yes, kise speaking. He says
Alright....*hangs up*
I have to go to the groceries.  You guys go ahead. Oh, and Kuroko,  walk home safely. "Happy birthday!"♡  And winked his right eye.
I don't know what that was about.
We walked home and I gave him his present. I didn't want to give it to him yet.
I just gave it to him while walking.
What's this? He asked.
A present.  I said.
He opened it.
Um, what is it?
It's a bracelet for good luck. I said making it obvious.
Oh, thanks. He says slowly.  To be honest, I expected something sexy. He said.
S-sexy!? I said.
Yeah, something erotic. I don't know.
He said shyly.
L-like what? I asked.
I don't know. Something unexpected. We have been together for some time now. I just want something more romantic, I guess. He says
I pushed up my glasses into position.
A - alright. I said trying not to blush.
I'll make an exception since it's your birthday.  He then smiled and holds my hand. 
Come on.  He says pulling me towards him. We got to his place.
W-wait?! Now? Like, right now? I asked.
Yeah, now. He said.
I'm just not really feeling it. I said. Maybe some other time.
No, it has to be now. He says. It's my birthday present.  He says with a frown.
He pulls me to the door steps.
Kuroko. Um, I'm not sure. I said.
He then pulls me to his room and shuts the door. It's just for some time.
Please,he says.
It's kinda hard to believe him. With him saying please with a straight face. I guess he is serious.
Okay. Okay.  I said.
I remove my jacket.
Oh, but this time it's different.  He says.
This time I'll tell you what I want from you. He says.
W-what?  I said confused.
Kuroko then sits on his bed and pulls up his shirt. Showing his nipples.
I want you to play with them. He said shyly.
I didn't know what to say. I just looked at his chest. His nipples were sticking out. Before I knew it I went up to him and pinched them. He was pulling up his shirt with his mouth and bit hard on his shirt to not make sound.
I then pulled his nipples and touched them around.
Li c -em. ( lick them)  he said

His shirt went down. I then took off his shirt and pushed him down and got on top of him and started to lick them softly. I then nibbled on them. They were turning pinkish.  I started to bite them slowly.  Kuroko was trembling and touching my hair as I played with his nipples.

S-stop~ He said.  I looked at him. He got up and looked at me. I- I want you to kiss me. Passionately.  Like I'm your everything.  He says. I do what he says. Make eye contact with him and kissed him. I didn't expected him to French kiss me. His tounge was inside my mouth. Kuroko's hands were around my neck. We slowly layed down.
I tried to push back but he kept on pulling me.
He finally let go and we were both breathing hard.  He then grabbed my hands and said I want you to touch me down here. he said. I tried to resist, but it was just for his birthday.  I unzipped his pants and sticked my hand under his underwear.  You're already hard. I said.

shut up! He said. Just don't stop. I kept on rubbing. Kuroko started to moan and tears started to drop down his cheeks. I then stopped.
Are you okay? I asked worried.
y-yeah. It just feels amazing.  Midorima, let me see yours. He asked

I did what he asked. I sat down and unzipped my pants and removed my underwear. Like this? I asked if this is what he wanted. 

wow~ he said softly.  He then touched the tip of it with his index finger. 

um, K-kuroko~ 

He then grabbed it with his whole hand and stroked it.  w-wait, st-..op. 


Sorry Midorrima. ha~ I can't help it. I want this so bad. Kuroko said. mmmn~ *Licks lips*

Kuroko, take off your pants and sit on top of me. I said.  he looked at me surprised.  

N- no. Today I tell you what I want and I want your everything.  He did take off his pants but he turned his back to me and leaned down and covered his cute hole then looked back and said "be gentle"~

I smirked.

I pushed his face to the bed and grabbed his waist up to mine." I would usually go smoothly with you, but something tells me other wise." I told him. I then leaned down and slowly went in.
He then reached my hand and hold it tightly.
I kept on going.  Faster by time. He kept on moaning...
His moans were so cute. It turned me on. His skin so soft. I leaned down. My chest was touching his back. I was inside of him. I then licked his neck then to his ear. A blow on his ear. Which made him tremble.  
I can tell you're liking this. I say.
He didn't say anything.
We should stop it here. I said
He was laying in bed and I began to change. He then stopped me and said," I didn't tell you to change." He then grabbed my cock.
Kuroko. I said.
He then looked at me and kissed me.
I then pushed him down. Kuroko, I have to go. I said.
Why? Just stay here. He said. He then sat down and grabbed my arm and cuddle with it.
Please~ he says.
I signed.
He then sat me down and said, "hug me tightly."
I did what he said.  He kissed my neck. And took off my glasses and said,
"Play with me~"
I didn't say anything I just turned around.
"Then, if you won't play with me I'll play with you."
He got on top of me. He then leaned forward and kissed my nose.
Enjoy me~
He then  slowly moved around. I then sat up and I forcefully pushed in.
Kuroko~, I said.
He then stopped and said,"call me by my first name."
I froze.
It's my birthday. He said Whining.
I then went up to his ear and said, ......"Idiot~"
I then layed him down. Didn't I told you kuroko, I'm not going to be embarrassed and especially by you. I then bit his neck. He made a loud scream.
Ow! What the- 
He then hit my head. What was that for!? You ruined the moment!
I then began to change. There's my present for you. As I pointed to his neck. I opened the door and he was frowning to me. Happy birthday.  I walked away.


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