Chapter 23

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Charlie's POV

Lunch with Niall was amazing, I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was literally perfect. His abs were perfect. Every single tattoo and piercing were perfect. His accent was perfect. His face was perfect. And I'm so happy i could call him mine.

When I got home I started on my coursework. I had exams next week and this work needed to be done. My dad really cares about my exams and my grades. Always have and probably will always care about what job I have as well. Josh failed every single one of his exams. So I guess I'm my dads only hope of getting a good career.

Its time like these i need my mum with me. She always helped me with school work.

Niall's POV

I made my way to the woods quickly, trying not to spot anyone I know or let anyone see me. My mind was focused on Charlie, and if my master reads my mind then I'm screwed.

I started to approach the cave of my pack, every step I took I felt myself to become more shakey.

"Hey Niall good to see ya man!" one of the vampires said to me.

"Good to see you too" I smiled back and continued walking.

My pack basically was an orphanage. All off us in it had no parents or had no home when the war started. So my master took us in and made us promise we'd never leave until he dies. And the only possible way that he could die is if someone stabbed a stake through his heart. But no one is ever gonna do that.

I hate being in the pack, I physically want to leave or kill him myself. Harry and Zayn have had enough of it as well. I'm just happy I was allowed to buy a house for myself instead of living in the cave.

"Ah, Niall we meet again" he spoke in his raspy voice.

"Hi m-master"

"I need you to do me a job'

"Yes sir"

"I need you Harry and Zayn to kill the new Mayor. He's going to cut down the woods and you boys need to stop him"

"Why us? We're not your fucking superheroes."

"Do it or you'll be getting the stake."

I walked away from the cave annoyed, I'm not his fucking superhero. If Charlie finds out about this then us two would be over, she always calls me a 'blood sucking monster', she'll eventually come around and let me turn her into one us.

I arrived back at my apartment to tell Harry and Zayn the news.

"Lads!" I called from the front door. Within a second Harry and Zayn were on the coach waiting for me to tell them the news.

"Okay, so master has given us a mission to do."

"What is it?" Harry looked confused.

"We have to kill the new mayor."

Zayn stood up in anger and the vein on his forehead started to pop.

"Why?! We can't"

"I could do with some human blood though" Harry smirked.

Zayn slapped him in anger.

"We have too, he's going to cut down the woods, we have no choice."

"But if we do people will start to suspect things! Then we're fucked."

"If that happens we'd have to move away.." Harry mumbled.

"I'm not leaving Charlie."

"I'm not leaving Yasmine."

Me and Harry looked at Zayn in shock as he said those words. He barely even knows her.

"Lets get to work then." Zayn groaned, standing up grabbing his car keys and walking out of the apartment slamming the door.


"I feel like an assassin." Zayn moaned.

We were hiding in bushes behind the mayors house, waiting for the perfect moment to sneak in.

"There's a back entrance there, we could go through there!" Harry said while pointing.

"That's too risky hazz, we have to wait to them stupid maids leave the kitchen, then go through the window" Zayn argued.

I walked away from Zayn and Harry arguing and tried to find a secret passage way or at least something to get through.

To our luck, I saw an open window on the top floor, that looks like the mayors room. Perfect. I whistled over to Zayn and Harry and they quickly rushed over.

"Right give me a boost!" Harry said. Me and Zayn gave him a boost on our shoulders and he lifted himself up holding onto the window ledge. Normally vampires can fly, but sometimes it makes a lot of noise with our wings and that could blow our cover.

Harry entered the window and me and Zayn did shortly after. The new mayors house was nice, Zayn found some gold and slipped it into his pocket.

"Okay, so I'm guessing this shitty ass mayor is gonna be in his office."

I checked my phone as I got a text and it was from Charlie, for some reason I couldn't stop smiling. Even when someone mentions her name I smile.

Hey, wanna meet up?? I'm pretty bored atm;)xx

I left you like four hours ago , haha , il pop over tonight baby ! love you xx

"Aw Niall smiles at his phone" Harry teased.

"Shut up."

"Will you two be quiet? And Niall put your fucking phone away!" Zayn spat. He gets so worked up over things sometimes.

We walked down what seemed like, endless halls, and finally found the mayors office.

"Who's going to kill him?" Harry asked.

"I think Niall should" Zayn smirked. They both know how much I hate killing humans, now that I'm with Charlie they knew it would annoy me. I'm hoping she won't find out about this, she means so much to me.

"Stop thinking about Charlie!" Zayn spat. "Now get in there and kill that stupid mayor, me and Harry are gonna try find the camera room to delete all cameras."

Harry and Zayn walked off in the other direction leaving me standing outside the office. I took one deep breathe and opened the door quietly, I didn't know what to expect or anything so I pulled out the knife that was in my shoe.

The mayor was sitting in front of the window with his back turned to me. Perfect. I looked around to see loads of books and weapons, this guy was a nutter.

I approached the chair he was sitting on, to my luck he had headphones on so he couldn't here a thing I was doing.

I quickly put my hands around his face to blindfold him, he started to struggle helplessly. I sunk my fangs deeply into his neck, causing him to twitch, he was dead.


This chapter was really bad sorry guys.

I was going to update Wednesday but iOS7 came out, and I hate it.

Sorry for the slow update guys

Love you keep commenting and voting!

Question:what do you think about zayn?


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