Chapter 27

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Niall's POV

When I got home, I found Zayn passed out on the sofa. Harry was no where to be seen like usual.

Walked over to the kitchen to get a beer, and see a note from Harry.

It said:

Niall, popped out for a bit. Be back tomorrow morning or something. Also master wants to see you

I gulped when I read the word master. I'm shit scared about seeing him, what if he's found out about me and Charlie? This is gonna be very bad.

I put the note in the bin and went to sit on the sofa and watch tv. Charlie will be over soon and I really hope tonight is gonna be the night for us, I hope she's ready. I'm not going to rush her or push her into anything, I just hope she's ready for my d.

Checked my phone to see if I had any messages, I had one from Charlie.

From:Charlie x
On way home, be there soon x

I smiled excitedly and put my phone on charge. Charlie's so perfect.

"Vas happenin'!" Zayn said while waking up.

"Have you been drinking?"

"No, I was having a nap and the tv woke me!"

"Whatever, how's you and Yasmine?"

"She's so good in bed, her pussy is tight!" I rolled my eyes at his comment and went back to concentrating on the tv.

Charlie's POV

I was down the road from Niall's, I went to get him a Nando's because I'm the best girlfriend ever. I feel like I owe it to him, I also stopped at my house to get some clothes, looks like il be staying with Niall until my dad apologies.

I knocked on the door waiting for Niall to answer. Tonight has been such a disaster, I can't believe it about Susan... I didn't think werewolfs were real. Then again, I didn't know vampires were real either. Wonder how Josh is gonna react to this too. But like he cares anyway.

"Hello beautiful" Niall said opening the door, I walked inside and smiled to Zayn.

"I brought you a Nando's!"

"I love you so so so so much!" Niall jumped up and down then picked me up spinning me around, the love he has for his chicken is just, wow.

He went into the kitchen to get a plate for his food, while I went to sit on the sofa with Zayn.

"Hey Charlie" he smiled.

"Hey Zayn, you alright?"

"Yeah, just a bit tired"

"Oh, why?"

I was with Yas-" He stopped in mid sentence. "I was with some girl last night!" he laughed.

I smiled back at him and watched tv, Niall came back from the kitchen with his food and decided to put some movie on.

"What we watching?!" Zayn said giving a cheesy grin.

"Your going to your room while me and Charlie watch Marely and Me"

"Yes dad" Zayn laughed and walked out of the room.


Niall's POV

We were half way through the movie and Charlie already started to get tears in her eyes. I wiped them away for her and kissed her cheek.

"Wanna go to the bedroom?" I asked her while kissing her neck and rubbing her thigh, they were her turn on spots.

She nodded so I picked her up from the sofa and walked into my bedroom, I had the biggest bedroom in the apartment as it was mine.

I dropped her onto the bed and she laid there looking at me, I got onto the bed too and started kissing her neck, earning a soft moan from her.

"Are you ready?" I asked her. I don't wanna rush her if she's not ready, she means too much to me.

"Ready" she smiled. Perfect.

I started to undress her, I pulled her top off and unclasped her bra, leaving her chest exposed. I stared and gave her breasts a light squeeze.

I took off my top and trousers, leaving me in just my boxers. She took off her trousers and was just in her knickers. I jumped on her, grinding my hips into hers. My tongue exploring every inch of her mouth.

Charlie's POV

I felt Niall's erection grow as he laid on top of me, i felt him take off my knickers and saw him throw them in a pile with the other clothes.

After a lot of kissing and touching, this was it. Niall Horan was going to take my virginity. There was no turning back now as our bodies were already both exposed and Niall was putting on a condom.

"Are you sure your ready?" I gulped and nodded. May as well get it over and done with now so I don't have to go through it again.

Niall slowly made his way on top of me, kissing me all over and massaging my boobs.

"Il go slow!" he smirked.

I felt him push himself inside me, I bit my lip to stop from screaming as it hurt so much! He said he was gonna go gentle.

He went in further and further and I started to get tears in my eyes from the pain. I'm scared il start bleeding, this is why I left it so long.

After about 10 minutes the pain wore off and the room was full of loud moans and slapping skin.

"Charlie..I'm gonna.." and with that, I felt Niall ejaculate inside me.

"Keep going keep going!" I moaned pleasurably.

"Charlie you're so tight!"

He went faster and the pain started to come back, I felt tears in my eyes again.

"Sorry, i'll go gentle again"

I moaned a lot as Niall did it so right, I'm so glad he's my first time.

"Keep going Niall!" I screamed, all I felt was pleasure, and I loved it!

He started kissing me all over. After I reached my climax we stopped, I did it. I've finally lost my virginity, just Niall is gonna need some new sheets as I bled a little on the way.

"That was amazing!" Niall smirked.

"Didn't wanna disappoint you as I was your first time"

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" Niall said kissing me on the cheek, and with that we went into a spooning position and fell asleep.


Sorry for the wait guys

This was such a hard chapter to write

Got some more amazing stuff coming up

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That Blonde Haired BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora