Chapter 41

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Niall's POV

"Do you even know what this shit is?" I asked Harry pointing to the sparkly briskly thing apparently called tinsel.

"Fuck know, it looks pretty though" he laughed.

Every Christmas, me Harry and Zayn used to spend the first of December hunting. We had no idea what ball balls were, or a Christmas tree, or anything like that. We never did it. Our master brought us up like Christmas never existed.

"When we gonna meet the girl you like then?" I smirked.

"Soon my friend, soon" Harry smiled.

All off us apart from Liam and Louis were all in the apartment decorating. They went home to do it with their families.

Yasmine took in charge of all the decorations, she had bought loads of lights and other Christmassy things. I just sat back and let everyone else do it.

'Guys, this tree isn't the right shape!" Yasmine moaned. "Zayn Harry, we're taking it back to the place and getting a new one, let's go!" She shouted.

Harry and Zayn took down the tree and carried it out of the apartment sighing.

"We will be back soon" Yasmine smiled, I liked Yasmine but she was a bit of a control freak.

Charlie was in my room lying on the bed, I think she went back to bed or something.

I walked into the room and saw her crying her eyes out into the pillow, I immeaditly ran over to her, it hurts me to see her cry.

"What's wrong?" I hugged her.

"Is my dad and josh okay?!" she sobbed into my shoulder.

Fuck. I completely forgot about them, josh saved our lives yesterday.

"They're fine I promise" I cooed her.

I had no idea where josh and her dad were, and I can't leave Charlie all by herself when she's crying.

"Do you wanna come see them with me?" I improvised.

"You've seen josh?" her eyes stopped watering and she smiled showing her teeth.

Brilliant. I have no idea where they are and now I've got to find them.

"Yeah, he's a nice boy" I smiled.

"Can we go see them now?" she got up and jumped around.

"Er, not now. Maybe later?" She sat back down and continued crying.

I laid down with her on my bed and cuddled her until she stopped crying and wasn't shaking anymore. She's my princess.


"You ever gonna tell me about your tattoos and piercings?"

'One day"

"What do you want for Christmas then Niall?"

"Your all I need!" I kissed her stroking her thigh.

"We're back!" I heard Yasmine shout. "Let's go decorate the tree beautiful" I pulled her up from the beg and dragged her into the living room. She sighed.

"It took us a long time but don't worry, we have the right shape now!" She laughed.

Zayn and Harry sat down huffing and puffing completely ignoring Yasmine. "Shut up boys, you love it!" she moaned.

We all decorated the tree together and to be honest, it was quite fun. This is my first official Christmas and I'm glad I'm spending it with these guys.


Sorry for the late update! it's been Christmas and I was busy, also had trouble writing this as got a new iPhone.


I just want to say thank you! I didn't even think I'd reach 500 reads when I first started omfg.

I owe it to you guys

Hope you all had a good Christmas and a happy new year!

What did you guys get? I got a iPhone5c:)


That Blonde Haired BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora