Chapter 40

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Charlie's POV

I waited hours for the boys to come home. I just wanted Niall, whenever I was with him he made me feel so safe, and before I knew Niall I never felt safe. Even around Yasmine and Louis, my two best friends!

I couldn't take it anymore, i felt so alone. The tears rolling down my face and into my mouth, the annoying saltiness. I tried ringing Louis hoping he was okay, I don't know what his family would do if he died as well. I got voicemail, I also tried ringing Liam and Harry. I didn't bother ringing Zayn as he never answers anyway, but I tried Niall more than twenty times.

"It'll be okay i know it! i'll just get some sleep and it'll be all okay" I calmed myself down.

I stripped naked and got into Nialls bed, it smelt like him. I smiled to myself at everything me and Niall had been through.

I remember the first time I spoke to him, before I knew him I had a normal life. It turned upside down since our first date.

Remembering our first date gave me shivers, he saved my life though. He was like my guardian angel in a way, whenever I was in trouble or needed help he was there. Until he told me his big secret and I pushed him away.

Being with him I've also made such good new friends. But I have a feeling Niall Zayn Liam Louis and Harry are hiding something from me.. And I have no idea what.

Zayn and Yasmine are really cute together as well, that's if they're even together. I will never forget what I saw that night on the beach. Also gives me the shivers.

I checked my phone and saw the time, I knew the boys would be alright. I took one big yawn and shut my eyes tight, hoping that all this would be alright in the morning.


My eyes fluttered open as the birds started singing. I looked around me and felt something warm clinging onto me. I looked behind me to see Niall fast asleep cuddling me, I forgot I was naked, but there was no point in trying to cover myself now.

His hands were wrapped around my waist and holding mine, they were all scratched up and bloody. I wanted to wake up him and see if he needed anything, but I kept still and tried to get back to sleep.

I shut my eyes tight once again but once I was awake I was awake, I couldn't move because Niall was there, he looked so peaceful asleep, even though I couldn't see his face. His quiet snores made me relaxed.

"Morning love birds!" Yasmine came running into our room shouting at the top of her voice, I heard Niall groan.

"Get up get up get up!" She shouted.

"Yasmine shut up, why do we have to get up" I moaned.

"Because, it's the first of December and we have to decorate the house!" She screamed.

Since when was she living here? I only thought the Harry Zayn and Niall lived here.

"Have a shower you two and get ready, me and Zayn are about to get the Christmas tree from the market!"
She ran out of the room singing Christmas carols to herself.

Was it really December? These past couple of months have gone to fast.

"C'mon Niall wake up"

He shot out of bed like a lightning bolt, I had a big stretch and put a oversized top on me and went to the bathroom to have a shower.

Niall was in there cleaning his teeth, he didn't speak to me or anything, he had his back turned to me and was looking at himself in the mirror, he's worse than Zayn.

I turned on the shower and let it run for a couple of seconds to let it heat up, I turned around and saw Niall's face.

I started crying, it was covered in scratches and blood.

"Oh my god Niall!" I cried.

I touched the cuts on his cheek and he pulled away in pain. "Lets get you cleaned up shall we." I grabbed a cloth and cleaned each of the scratches and cuts on his face, he started to get tears in his eyes from the sting but it's better than some ugly scars on his face forever.

I looked on his back to see more cuts and scratches. I sighed. Susan must of really ripped the shreds out of all of them!

After half an hour I managed to bandage him up nicely and clean each of the marks. Most of the cuts were on his tattoos so it was difficult seeing them, I still wonder why he has so many.

I then started to get ready myself, it was a tradition to always put up the decorations on the first of December. I remember doing it with mum and dad. Memories.

I had finished my hair and went into the living-room to see Yasmine and Zayn putting up the tree, it was huge!


Who's excited for Christmas? I am!

What's your favourite song on the boys' new album midnight memories? I'm interested.

Also who likes the new cover? Created by Natty (going by your Kik name)

Vote and comment:)


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