Chapter 38

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Previously on That Blonde Haired Boy

I found the light switch and turned it on. The room lit up and I saw a figure hiding from the light.

"Turn the fucking light off! It burns!" He said while covering his eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked while walking towards him.

"I'm Josh."


Josh who?" I stepped closer to the figure who was now on the floor covering his eyes.

What's it to you?" he spat.

Are you related to Charlie Grief?"

"How the fuck do you know my sister?!" He stood up walking towards with me with his fists clenched.

"I know your sister better than you do" I smirked.

"You what!" Josh shouted.

"That's right, you heard me"

"Just tell me who you are!" he covered his eyes from the light still.

"I'm your sisters boyfriend." I smiled. "But you wouldn't know that as you've spent the last three years in here!" I shouted.

Josh got up and jumped at me, he started scratching me causing me to bleed. I cried for help and Harry and Zayn came into the room, pinning josh down on the floor.

My arms were cut up, there's no way he's just a normal human.

"Are you working for Susan cox?" Harry screamed into his ear.

"Who's that?" he cried.

"Susan Cox, are you fucking working for her!" Harry started to punch josh hard and smacked him around the head, leaving him unconscious.

"Great. Now what are we gonna do with the body?" Zayn groaned.

"Will take him back to our apartment and question him, Harry go now, and tell the other boys to come meet us. Alert the pack if you need too" I ordered.

Harry took Josh back to the apartment while me and Zayn waited for Susan to come home. We had planted sticky bombs in every room in the house, there is no way she'll survive the explosion.

We waited for Harry to return, we were hiding in a bush opposite the house watching. "I smell something" Zayn whispered next to me. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "The smell off a werewolf, get the detonator ready Niall."

A small red car pulled up alongside the house, the door opened and the killer stepped out. Susan Cox, the werewolf vampire hunter that had destroyed this city. Behind her was Charlie's Dad, carrying what looks like to be river island bags, looks like they've been shopping.

"We can't kill her dad!" I whispered.

"I know I know" he sighed. "Quickly, she's going into the house!"

As she opened the door, I pressed the detonator.

The whole house went up like that.

"YES! I THINK WE DID IT!" Zayn cheered.

"Oh, I don't think you have" a voice from behind us spoke.

I turned around to see a wolf, not just any wolf, the vampire hunter Susan Cox wolf.

"Oh shit"

She jumped onto Zayn biting and scratching him, making his face bleed so much.

I pulled her off and ripped her fur, causing her too yelp in pain. I punched her around the face dislocating her nose. She scratched my stomach, I fell to the floor in pain crying.

"Zayn! Get the others.." I mumbled while the monster was ripping me to shreds.


Double update!

It's short and a bit rushed I know

But you guys needed another update

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