Chapter 51

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Niall's POV

I looked around the rubble to see if I could find her, but I had no trace. I couldn't find a scent either.

I found my phone, I rang Harry, he was most likely to be on his phone.

"Hello?" Harry answered.

"Yeah where are you and are you with Charlie?"

"We're in your room" I hung up and laughed. I ran into my room to see Charlie on the bed, I saw blood.

I quickly ran over to her. "She's not gonna make it unless you turn her into a vampire, Niall." Zayn mumbled. "She needs to have our powers to keep alive."

I looked at her, she looked helpless. It hurt me to see her like this.

"Charlie can you hear me." I whispered into her ear. "y..yes." She mumbled. "Basically, I need to turn you into a vampire to keep you alive." I smiled. "B..but." She frowned.

She shut her eyes, I panicked. I looked around and everyone was staring at me. I had no choice but to change Charlie into a vampire, so she could be like me.

I bit into her neck, my fangs soaking into her skin. I finished, I needed all the blood and she opened her eyes. She looked around, and fell back to sleep. I picked her up and tucked her into bed.

I walked out of the living room to see that Harry and Zayn tidied up. It was still a mess, but just a bit neater. The Christmas tree and the rest of the presents managed to be in one piece.

Charlie was gonna feel sleepy for a while, her body is gonna change, it'll look the same but she needs to develop the vampires Skelton, and her fangs. She's going to live forever now, well until the world ends. That's gonna be horrible.

She also won't remember anything that happened, she won't even know she's a vampire. I'm just going to let her work it it herself, I don't want to tell her. She calls us 'blood sucking monsters' and now I've just turned her into one. Oh well. Her dad's a werewolf now anyway, and I don't even know what her brother is, but he saved us.

From the moment I met Charlie I know she had something about her, but then if I didn't meet her none of this would of happened. She would have a normal life, with humans. But I came along and fucked it up.

She wanted to get to know me so badly, asking me so many questions. I don't even want to remember our first date. I saved her life, and since then I knew she'd be the one. I have spent so many centuries alone, having the occasional one night stand. But not as many as Zayn and Harry.

The way she looked at me, she had this sparkle about her. I just hope things don't change, I really want to surprise her soon. Take her away from this town for a while, go on holiday. Have a break, she needs it. I need it. I feel like I haven't spent much time with her recently, so that will be my Christmas present to her.

Zayn brought the TV from out of his room and put on a film to pass time. We all just wanted this day to end, out first Christmas Day. Well, tomorrow's Boxing Day. Its just am ordinary day, with lots of food.

The food!

I went into the kitchen to find all the food still laid out on the table. I tucked in straight away, never eating so much in my life. It was cold, but I think cold chicken is so nice compared to hot chicken.

After eating what was left of the Christmas dinner, I made myself some ice cream and a hot chocolate and went to bed. I just wanted this day to end, and to wake up next to Charlie.

I snuggled into bed and cuddling Charlie, she was out cold. Fast asleep, she will have a really deep sleep tonight, she might not even wake up tomorrow. It depends how long it takes I guess. But il leave her, it's natural.

As long as she's alive I'm happy, and I'm sure she'll be happy. I shut my eyes tight, busy day tomorrow. Need to fix the hole in the wall.


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