Chapter 50

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Niall's POV

I sat on the floor, watching master hold Charlie. I couldn't do anything. For once in my life I couldn't save the one person I love.

"So, you have two options." Master spat, holding Charlie by the neck. "Option one, Charlie lives, but you never see her again. You three boys come back with me, to live where we belong.

Option two, you all die."

I gulped. I can't picture my life without her, she means everything to me. I was shaking, I didn't want Charlie to suffer because of me, but then I'd suffer without having her.

"Times ticking Niall." He spat at me, he was holding Charlie's neck tighter, I felt such anger in me. I clenched my fists and look at Harry and Zayn. They were as helpless as I was.

"You're times up. You have taken option too." My heart sunk. After being alive for so many years, I was finally going to die. I looked Charlie in the eyes, I could read what she was thinking. Tears filled into her eyes, and so did mine.

This was it. This was the end.

He through Charlie against the wall I was leaning on. I grabbed her and held her in my arms. "I am so so sorry Charlie, I really am." I whispered into her ear.

Master pulled out his stake, my body felt like jelly. I saw it coming towards me, I pushed Charlie out of my arms.

This was it.

I shut my eyes waiting for the end. I was waiting for a while, I opened my eyes to see a huge werewolf.

I looked around me, Charlie was no where to be seen. Harry and Zayn were no where to be seen. Just a giant werewolf, and master.

Now what's gonna happen, the werewolfs going to kill that vampire then kill me, either way this the last day of my life. Christmas Day.

My apartment was destroyed, I couldn't even make out what was what.

The werewolf grabbed the vampire by neck, squeezing all the life out of him, scratched him to bits. Chucked him onto the floor, starting to attack him. I have never seen so much blood in my life, and I'm a vampire.

That was it. Master was dead. The werewolf turned around and looked me straight in the eyes. I shut mine, I was so scared.

"It's me, Mr Grief." I heard a male voice say. Having my eyes still tight shut, I convinced myself it was my imagination getting to me.

I felt hands, human hands shaking me. I opened my eyes, and it was him! I pinched myself believing it was a dream. But it was real life.

"Susan turned me." He said. Looking really confused.

"Who told Master?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Susan did. I don't know how, but she did." I stared really confused at him.

"I'm so confused right now.." I puzzled.

"I knew he was going to attack you today, because you were celebrating Christmas Day, you're first Christmas. Master knows everything apparently. And only a werewolf can kill a vampire." He smiled.

"Thank you, for me saving me." I hugged him. I owed my life to him now. "You saved my life, my life is yours." I smiled. "No, you're life is gonna be with my daughter."

Shit, where is Charlie?


Another cliff hanger

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