You accidentally call him 'Daddy' (G)

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Grocery shopping the first time ever with your boyfriend for you both since you just moved in with him is very...different.

He grabs a bag filled with all of the different color of apples as you put some chicken legs in the cart he is pushing. 

"Why don't they sell chicken butts? You could easily say 'hey,guess what?' and put the chicken butt in their face!"

"I think you just answered your own question,babe." 

"You know you want a chicken butt now..." 

"Why would I want a chicken butt when I have your butt, you little chicken?"

"Why are you calling chicken?"

"How long did it took you to ask me out?"

He smiles sweetly at you. "Too long." 

You kiss him before walking off to another aisle, Grayson right behind you. But since he is pushing the cart and you are wearing flip flaps, when the cart hits the bottom of your foot, you scream to loud for a public place. 

Grayson being your boyfriend laughs at your girly scream. When you give him 'the look' that could make him a dead man, he stops laughing right away. "I'm sorry! I wasn't looking, Y/N! Are you okay?" 

"I will if we buy the biggest box of ice cream they have." 

He is already walking to go to the frozen aisle when he asks what flavor you want.

"How about Daddy kiss my foot to make the pain go away so I can pick it out?"  You say in a voice you normally would use on a baby. When he heard the word Daddy come out of your mouth though, he stopped walking and turned back around to look at you.

"Did you me Daddy?"

"Yes," you roll your eyes "It was a perfect time to use it."

"Use what?" he has a huge smirk on his face when he walks back to you.

"Daddy." you whisper. You laugh at yourself for saying it for him...and let's just say that wasn't the last time you did. 


Author's note: I wanted to write this since I know some of you love this kind of stuff. (; xoxo

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