They surprise you (E+G)

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If someone would ask why you're hating life, you would say all of your teachers are planning your death.

With homework.

So. Much. Homework. 

Since it's Friday, you thought all of your teachers would say, "Have a nice weekend!" not "Have a nice weekend with homework!" but you sadly thought wrong. You haven't even finished some of the things from the beginning of the! week, for crying out loud! About crying out loud is what are you are planning on during after you lock yourself in your room until Summer starts.

But Ethan and Grayson Dolan, your two best guy friends have another plan for you.

Getting home was a gift from God. You do what you normally do right after school: eat. After you make a sandwich and grab a family share sized bag of your favorite chips, you make your way to your room. Knowing that you closed your door this morning, you are confused on why your bedroom door is open by a inch.

Then you hear it.

Grayson telling Ethan to stop laughing as he laughs too.

Opening the door all the way, the twins look up at you with smiles that makes you smile.

"Hey,Y/N!What's up butter up?" Ethan says as Grayson asks you why it took you so long to get home.

"I was in the kitchen." You join them on your bed by sitting between them. 

"That's where you belong." They both say, but since Ethan is sitting at the edge, you start trying to push him off your bed. His laugh fills up your entire house for thinking it's cute how you think you could win.Grayson finally starts helping you pushing his brother. Seeing Ethan's eyes becoming bigger than his face, it's funny to you for knowing that he will fall.

But you didn't know he would pull you down with him. When you land on him, you both goan when Grayson jumps on you. 

"Feeling better?" Ethan's voice is muffed by your hair covering his entire face.

You are still laughing when you let out a high pitch "yes!" 

"Good." Grayson is now using you as a chair. "And you know what else sounds good?"

"A sandwich!" For being their friend, it always freaks you out when they say the same thing at the same time.

But you deal with it... And them.


Author's note: I have a lot of homework, instead I wrote this. xoxo

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