He says "I love you" for the first time (E+G)

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"Grayson@!"You yell when you walked through the apartment door. You know he has been feeling home sick lately so you went to the store and got everything you needed to make his favorite food that his mom makes. You let Grayson have the apartment to himself, letting you bake at your friends house as you were facetiming his mom. 

"That's me." You walk into the living room and see him cuddling with a throw pillow as he lays sideways on the couch, watching TV. 

"Why didn't you texted or called me back? I was getting worried." You smile a little when you hear he is dead serious.

"I was to busy making you something," you sit on the couch next to him and put the food containers on the coffee table.

Grayson looks at the containers, and his eyes light up. "Thank god! I was so close to cook dinner!" 

You roll your because of his laziness. When he grabs them, he looks at them confused. He takes off the lid, and just stares at the food. A smile spreads across his face when he happily looks at you.

"Is this...?"

"Yup.!" You smile proudly, popping the p. "I was facetiming your mom the entire day. She told me what I needed when I was in the store,and when I was at Y/BBF/N house, she told me what to do."

"Really?" He looks like a little kid on Christmas morning. Which makes you laugh because she showed you some old childhood pictures. "Yes, really!"

"How did I get so lucky?" He pulls you into his lap. You pass him one of the containers so he can start devouring the food.

"Don't tell my mom," he takes another huge bite, "but I don't which chef I love more."

You put your hand over your heart, having a fake shock and hurt expression on your face. 

"You know I love you," he says when he puts everything back on the table, having his full attention on you. He gives you a hug,, his head on your shoulder when he whispers,"I love you, Y/N. Thank you for everything."

"I love you, too." You give him a kiss but you pull away to ask, "Are you just saying that because I feed you?"

"Maybe....maybe not..." he gives you playfully wink, making you giggle as you kiss him.


The friends you two have in common all planned to make today a entire beach day. You are in the back with Ethan when Nate is driving the car to the beach. All of you are singing along to the radio, mostly badly, especially to the songs you all know.

"I vote Y/N for the worst singer." Since you are sitting behind him, you hit Nate in the back of his head, making them both laugh. You don't know what else to say but,"Have you heard either of you two sing?"

"Really, Y/N? That's your comeback?" You hit Ethan's arm this time, letting him grab your hand to intertwine your fingers. In the corner of your eye, you see Nate smiling at you both in the front view mirror. Ethan doesn't since he is looking at you. But he does notice that you two are smiling at each other, making him hold your hand tighter. Ethan doesn't get jealous easily, he just can't stand the thought of you leaving him for anybody else. He immediately let's go of your hand when he hears a low "ow". 

"I'm so sorry." He mutters, hugging you."For what? For being a wannabe hulk? It's fine." You laugh at his state, not knowing what he is thinking. "No, it's not okay," he pushes you away a little so he can stare into your eyes, "I didn't notice I was hurting you. I never want to hurt you, Y/N. I love you to much to do that."

You only look at him shock. He doesn't know what he said, but you know he means it.

When you say, "I love you, too." there's a huge grin on his face as he grabs your face between his hands and gives you a passionate kiss. Nate clears his throat and states that you guys made it to the beach, making Ethan use a go away hand gesture before you two start having a lovely but hot makeup session.


Author's note: Thank you so much for voting & commenting :) You all make me happy for even reading these xoxo

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