Cute couple moment (E+G)

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Grayson is playing with your hair as you on the floor, between his legs. There's a movie playing but you are slowly falling asleep. 
"Why do you want to cut your hair,Y/N? I love it!"
"Good for you! You don't need to deal with you 24/7!"
You a hear him say, "but I deal with you." under his breath, making you jump off of the floor and on to his lap. It's hard to be mad at him when his laugh always makes you smile. 
"Take that back!"
"Take what back? Your heart? Babe, that's in a safe place." You are rolling your eyes at his cheesiest when he lays down on the couch, pulling you on top of him. His arms go around you as your head goes on his chest, letting you hear his heart beat.
"Is it in your arms?"
"You know it."

After staring yourself in the mirror, you walk out of the bathroom.Ethan is laying on his back on the bed. When he looks at you, he puts down his phone and worry is all over his face.
"What's wrong? Is there a spider in the bathroom?"
"Can I come with you the next time you go to the gym?" Your questions makes him confused. You always go on and on about how much you hated PE in High why do you want to go the gym?
"So you can check me out?" He tries to make you smile. But it doesn't work, making him sit at the edge of the bed, close to you as you learn against the bathroom door frame. 
"I want to lose weight, that's why!" Ethan is taken aback because you never yell. You can't keep it in anymore.
"I'm fat! Do you not see all of your skinny beautiful fans? You can date anymore! Not me! Not this you think is beautiful! I wish I could see what you see, Ethan...I really do." Your eyes are getting filled with tears that you barely see Ethan's arms reaching out to you, pulling you into him. He puts his forehead against yours, making you have no choice but to look at him in the eyes. His eyes are also watery.
"I do see my fans because I have eyes." you chuckle, making him give you a small smile. "But I always think about you. My number one fangirl. I don't have the words to tell you what I see when I look at you, Y/N. But if you really do want to work your sexy ass off, I will be your coach." Knowing that he means every word, you kiss him before pushing him on the bed. Soon after, you lay beside him.
"Thank you."
"For being that kind of boyfriend that would kill a spider."
"Oh...I only asked you if there was one...."

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