You break up with him (E)

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You are so happy that your boyfriend, Ethan, is on tour! He has been gone for two weeks, but even how cheesy it sounds, it feels longer. 

Knowing you haven't been on Twitter all day, you decided it's a good time to log in. There's too much notifications about the same thing.

Ethan kissing a fan.

"What the actually fuck???" You are afraid to hear what he has to say, especially because you don't trust your voice. But he picks up your call after the first five ring's.

"Y/N! Babe! I know... I know...She's just a fan!"

"I was a fan, Ethan! You started liking me because you thought I was different! You probably say that to other girls so many times that it's like a routine for you now!"

"Stop acting like this, Y/N. Please. I'm sorry." The sadness in his voice cover's the anger. He wishes you two could do this face to face, even if he knew you would be hitting him over and over. He would be hurt mentality and personailty, but he would still hug you until you hugged back with all of the love you have for him.

"I'm sorry if I'm acting like a girlfriend that found out her boyfriend kissed another girl! And don't you fucking dare use the 'she's just a fan,' card on me again. She's pretty! She knew you would kiss back! You are too blind from your kindness that you don't notice what your so called fans really want- you! And just you! And dear god, Ethan, when you kiss them, or even breath the same air as them, is makes their life. You used to make my days, but now, I feel alone and I hate that!"

Ethan lost count how many times he put the his phone away from his ear, hating himself that he's the reason why your voice is keep cracking since you try not to cry as you yell.

"Just imagine how you would feel if I kissed a random guy!" With that starting to run through his mind, he whispers your name that you almost didn't hear him over your big breath's.

"I trust you, Ethan, I do. But not the girls that call themselves your fans. It's hard loving one guy when thousands of other girls love him too."

"God damn it,Y/N! I love you! Stop this! I'm sorry! I'm sorry that you can't trust them but you just have to! Not all of them are bad." 

"But I don't want to spend all that time trying to figure out which girls I can trust! Trust is one of the important things in a relationship is trust... And dating you, I don't have enough trust. I'm sorry."


Then you hear it.

His crying.

"No, I'm sorry. You shouldn't feel like this... You should feel the way I need you to feel, to make me fully happy."

You don't dare try to say anything else.

"Are you seriously breaking up with me on the phone?" He tries to joke, but he is so scared to hear your voice. Your voice, no matter what though, will always be one of his favorite sounds.

"I'm sorry..."

"Please stop saying sorry! Can we please talk when I get home?" 

Right after you say "maybe," you hang up. 

You haven't notice until then that he finally told you that he loves you.


Author's note: xoxo

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