Hanging out with them (E+G)

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They both woke up and thought, "hey! Let's go bug y/n!"  Which is what they are doing right now... And they are really good at it. You kinda regret letting them in.

Both of them scream your name louder than necessary, making you roll your eyes.

"That's my name."

You notice that they share the same devil smile as their arms are behind their backs.

"Guess which one has your phone." 

You look all around you and sure enough, you can't find your phone. You stand up and eye them both.

"Give it back."

They both say, "okay" and stay in the same position. "He has it."

"Normally I love it when you two talk at the same time saying same thing but stop it!"



"Okay." Since Grayson is the first one out of the two of them to laugh, you scream and yell, "Grayson! Give me back my phone!" 

As you march up to him,he is still laughing when he shows you his hands not holding your phone but a orange.

"Orange you glad Ethan is the one with your phone?"


Ethan is running around with his hand in the air, holding your phone.

"Give it back, Ethan!"You stamp your feet like a little kid when they find out they can't get something from the store.

You wait for him to run past you to jump on his back. He runs to the couch and sits down before leaning back, making you feel like are getting crushed. Grayson jumps onto Ethan's lap and hands you your phone.

When you open it to see what they've done, you camera roll is filled with random selfies of them.

"You better frame all of those babies."

You look at Ethan like he has two heads (which it kinda does since Grayson has his head on Ethan's  shoulder,looking at you as Ethan has his turned the other side to look at you."

"Are you crazy? I'm selling these with your guy's  autograph!"

"Okay."  You all are laughing when you hit them both playfully.

There's never a dull moment with the Dolan twins.


Author's note: xoxo

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