You're drunk (E+G)

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"You're so drunk," He remarks, flashing you a smile, making you let out giggles, leaning forwards until your face is press against the mattress. 

You called your best friend at about ten o'clock in the evening, obviously intoxicated and insisted that he comes over because you were lonely. The friends you went out with met boys or just wanted to sleep in their own beds so they could deal with their morning hangovers by themselves - so Grayson agreed to come over, especially since he couldn't stand the thought of you being alone. 

You lift your head from the mattress, peering up at him and shaking your head. "I'm not drunk!" You push yourself  up, shrugging, "Maybe just a little bit." Grayson takes off his hoodie, and gives you a huge grin that show's almost all of his teeth. 

"So, why did you invite me here anyways?"He asks, joining you on your bed, leaning back to rest his  back against your bed's headboard.

 "I was booooored,"You whine, hitting his arm,  "And I wanted to talk to you." 

He chuckles, "About what?" You closer, a pink blush rising to his cheeks when you put your head in his lap. 

"Ethan," You mutter, and he swears that he could hear his heart breaking as he twin's name rolled of your tongue.

"What?" He asks you. You didn't notice he was playing with your hair until he suddenly stops. You don't open your eyes when you grab his hand back on top of your head.

"I think I love him," you hear Grayson stop breathing for a second, you think, which makes your eyes open wide.

"Are you okay, Ethan?" He looks at you confused, but then he think his Ethan.

"I'm fine, Y/N. " He doesn't have a fake smile anymore, "Are you going to tell Grayson you think you love him?"

You burst out laughing, "Bitch please! I could never tell him!"


"Because he is to hot for me, or for this earth really. Like, have you seen him? Oh my..." you fan yourself, making him laugh.

"Maybe you should...maybe he feels the same way?"

"Don't give my hopes up like that, Ethan. Just shut up and braid my hair. Okay? Okay."

"Anything for you, Y/N." 


 "Oh my god, I love puppies so much!!!" You giggle, leaning into your boyfriend as you stroll through pictures of puppies.
"Yes, I know just how much you love puppies, babe," He huffs as he picks you up bridal style to your room

.Today was one of the rare days where you would drink- but you couldn't help to get a cup after finding out you passed all of your finals! Apparently, the beer a friends of your recommend, is "the beer that was made just for me," and "10/10 would marry".

 "I really want a puppy," You pout as he starts undressing you so you can change into one of his shirts, since you love sleeping in his clothes.  As he says,"I know you do." you say, "If you wanted me naked, you could've just told me." which makes him run his hands through his hair with a small smirk on his face. 

"The puppy could be our child!" You start bouncing on the bed, making it hard for him to take off your pants.  

"Babe, please come down for a second. Please? For me?" 

"Okay!" You say in a happy tone. You count to one before bouncing again.

"What?" You question at his glare, "You said for one second!"

"I want to buy you a puppy!" You raise your eyebrows at his sentence, heaving out a deep breath, "And why do you want to buy me a puppy?" 

"So you can know how hard it is to take care of you-"

"Have you met yourself?" He laughs at your remake, knowing you are right. His laugh is the last thing you hear before you pass out. 


Author's note: I may or may not wrote those both under ten mintues. I feel bad for not updating in the past two days!! xoxo

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