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Dear Diary,

I am going to actually start trying to write this everday. I might just babble on about random things, since I don't have much other stuff to write other than about him.

So, today I had 3 other people find out that I liked him, I don't say that as a good thing either. Especially since 2 of them I barely talk to them. I think I trust them though. I guess I have to say think after all that shit happened 3 years back.

Anyways, he doesn't suspect anything, I think, he still talks to me like he started doing a couple weeks ago. 

I also put my hair down today instead of it's usual tight ponytail. I hope it didn't seem like I only did that cause he told me to, because it wasn't, Sarah told me too as well. That actually doesn't sound like a very good reason, but yeah, I'll probsbly wear it down for the rest of the week.

Apparently some of the other guys in my class were staring at me too. I even had some of the popular girls that used to give me a glare or something come up to me and try and talk to me.

I just hope tomorrow, things won't be so different, and the attention will go back to not being on me.


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