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Invited my girls over and my cousin Alana she said she some tea for me so of course I told her bring her ass up here. Fixing some food for us I lay out on the platter and fix up some tea.

"Hey ladies come on in!" I say. "What's good lil cousin" Alana says hugging me. "Nothing much how you been?" I say. "Good you and August on better terms?" She ask. I sigh "We getting there".

"So tell me what the streets been saying?" I ask. "Hmm that girl what's her name Keira... She had a baby by August but aborted it". "What!" I gasp. "Hmm probably wasn't his baby that's why" I say.

Channa laughs "That's wrong though". "Hmm shit I heard she done been around, I just don't get what August sees in her ghetto ass" I say rolling my eyes.

"But I heard she been talking about you too girl! She been talking about how unc had Mike killed" Alana says. "That bitch don't know shit! She need to shut her hoe ass up... My father had nothing to do with Mikes death... I'd never want my father kill anybody and have my name be trashed" I say.

"We know this but she don't, let her run her mouth hope she can run them hands too" Channa says laughing. "I'm done with you" I say.

"Y'all know TT?" Alana ask. "Yeah ya little friend that gets around too?" I ask laughing. "Don't do my friend, yeah but she can't stand Keira ass also" Lana says. "Hmm I bet... I agree I hope she got them hands cause he hoe can get it if she keep running her mouth" I say.

My phone starts going off I see August name pop up. "Open the door baby" he says. I start smiling "alright hold on". "Oh shit August is here" Channa says laughing. "Shut up!" I yell out.

I open the door August has a big bouquet of roses. "They're beautiful thank you" I say kissing him. "You're welcome baby" he says leaning down to kiss me.

"What's good ladies?" August ask walking into the living room. "Hey" They say in unison. "I'm gonna go shower baby" August say. "Okay Ill be in the room in a few" I say.

"Y'all hoes got to go!" I say laughing. "You about to give him some?" Channa ask. "No he hasn't reached that level of forgiveness yet" I say. "Hmm whatever !" Alana replies. "Get out my house" I say laughing.

I clean up the place while August showers. I decided to light some scented candles. I start making something for August to eat. My mother always said best way to a man heart is through his stomach. I make him a b.l.t and some more tea.

"What's that?" August ask walking up behind me. "I made my man some food, here" I say. He takes the plate and set it down. Looking into my eyes he kisses me. Caressing my face he kisses me again this time more passion.

"What was that for?" I ask bitting on my lower lip. "Just cause you're my girl" he says smirking. "August do you honestly love me?" I ask. "I do Kee if I didn't I wouldn't be with you". "I really hope so" I say.

"What's there not to love... I love the way when you wake up and I'm not up you straddle me waking my ass up the best way possible, love when you laugh and your dimples show, I love how you hold it down when I'm gone... You smart, you loyal"August says.

I laugh "I love you big head". "Love you too, ride with me I gotta pick something up" he says. "Where we going ?" I ask. "My home boy place".

I get dress in something different then we leave. "You had to change just to go over there?" August ask laughing. "Yeah babe I was taught to look your best no matter where you go" I say. He chuckles "Shit babe we in the hood ain't no need to do all that but you do look good".

"Babe hush appearance is everything and thank you" I say smiling. Looking at my outfit I think it look chill just with a classier twist.

"What's good bruh?" August ask dapping up some dude. "Chilling man, this you?" The guy ask eyeing me up and down. "Yeah this me, Kee this my home boy Zack".

I smile and give him a head nod. He laughs "What's good ma, nice to meet you" he says. "Same" I say smiling. "Wait here for a second baby" August say.

"Why?" I ask raising my eyebrow. "I need to get something from inside, I'll right out baby" he says. "Hurry up boy" I say sitting down.

Crossing my legs I fix my dress so my ass ain't all out for the world to see. Pulling out my phone I start texting Tavia and Channa.

"Damn shorty what yo name is?" Some dude ask walking up the stairs. "None ya business" I say not looking up from my phone. "Let me get your number, take ya fine ass on a date" he says.

"Look even if I was single I wouldn't date you so move on na I'm trying to mind my own business" I say rolling my eyes. "I smack that attitude out of you bitch" he says walking up to me.

"We got a problem here?"August ask. "This bitch-" The guy begins saying but August cuts him off. "Come correct partna' she ain't no bitch this is my girl so you need to get the fuck on now" August says so aggressively.

"I ever told you that it's a turn on when you get aggressive ?" I say licking my lips. "Nah you haven't" he laughs. "Why it funny?" I ask. "Cause you a tease you'll play all these game then be like no baby we can't" he says mocking me.

I bust out laughing "Shut up I don't sound like that". "But I love your teasing ass, when I give you this D you ain't gonna know how to act" he says smirking. "Whatever I bet you'll be the one pussy whipped" I say laughing. "Shit I probably will" he chuckles.

"I hate when you leave me like this" I say pouting. After a great day of hanging out with my baby it's difficult saying bye. "I'm sorry baby, give me a kiss before I go" he say. "If I don't kiss you won't leave ?" I ask. He laughs "I'll steal it then go".

"Fine" I say stomping my way to him. Tippy toe so I can meet him half way. His soft lips against mines his kisses are so raw. "Mm I love you" I say. "Love you too Kee".

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