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I wake up with the worse fucking headache I've been throwing up like fucking crazy. I get dress and decide I should go see my doctor this isn't healthy. I dial Channa number telling her to meet me there I could use some support.

My stomach is hurting like crazy I haven't been eating much all I can drink is water I tried drinking champagne but I threw that shit right up. Since that night I had almost a whole bottle, I've been feeling sick.

Arriving to the clinic I throw my shades on. Channa arrives at the same time as me.

"Hey boo what's wrong?" She ask hugging me.

"I feel like shit basically that the best way to put it, I been sick these pass few weeks" I say.

I sign my name on the list and wait patiently. Channa smiles at me reassuring me it's probably nothing.

After maybe twenty minutes the doctor calls me to join him in the back. I smile at him the take a seat.

"What brings you here?" The doctor ask fixing his coat.

"I've been feeling really sick these few weeks, been throwing up, can really hold food down like that, get nauseous quickly and I mean I drink alcohol but I can't hold that shit down either" I explain.

"Hmm and you said a few like two ? Three?".

"Uh like three weeks" I say.

"Alright let's do some lab work and also in thinking a pregnancy test".

My eyes widen hearing him say pregnancy test. "No need for that doctor I can't be pregnant I drank like a ton like three weeks ago and I just can't be so".

"There's a possibility you might be that's why you've been nauseous, let's do those test after the test you can go home I will call you in a hour okay".

"Sure doctor thank you" I say nervously.

Channa looks at me crazy as we walk out the doctors office. "Girl ain't no way I can be pregnant by Augut" I say rolling my eyes.

"Have you guys talked the fuck happen?".

I take a deep breath, "Yeah we talked he apologize for the shit that happen it isn't true he been handling business that's why he couldn't answer them fifty some calls and text I left him".

"I mean we had lunch like twice , I don't know what to do Channa he keep telling me he loves me and that him and that chick ain't together... Bought roses and card came to me telling me how much he loves me and ain't messing shit up cause I'm the one for him".

"I mean I don't really know what to say cause this right here is a lot to deal with! But if you love him ride that shit out cause at the end of the day he your man" Channa says.

"Thanks Channa I'll hit you up later let you know what the doctor says.

"See you girly! Get home safe".

Soon as I'm done getting all clean and finally able to eat something I put on something comfortable and lay in bed. I close my eyes slowly letting sleep drift me away then there's a banging on my door.

"Really!" I semi yell. "Who is it!?" I yell out aggravated.

"Bitch it's Alana open the damn door!" She says banging some more.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"Yo nigga just got arrested ! Over by Kiera house!" She says.

Letting what she just said process my grip my chest. "What the fuck! Please tell me you aren't serious what the fuck happen to your face?" I ask.

"I saw that bitch Kiera and like I said its on sight! So we fighting and shit and her friend going to fight for her bitch was on the floor and shit I got her ass good!" Alana says.

"Fuck her get to the part with my man going to fucking jail!" I say.

"Mybad! Well he went to got arrested before that happen , I saw the Feds putting him in the car I was across the street with some people and all that shit happen I feel like that hoe had something to do with it so that gave me another reason" Alana says.

"You've got to be kidding me ! The fuck do I do to help him" I say panicking.

My phone starts ringing , I run to the room and answering. "August!?" I say without look at the caller id.

"No ma'am is doctor Leo's office your results are back you're pregnant and thankfully your baby is just fine regardless of your alcohol levels you need to be careful drink plenty of water and eat healthy".

"T-T-Thanks" I manage to say before hanging up.

"What happen?" Alana ask worried.

"I'm pregnant" I say just above a whisper.


Getting ready for August court appearance isn't easy. I got him team of lawyers ready to make my man a free man. My eyes are red as fuck under these shades.

"All rise department on of the superior court is now in session Jude Matthew now presiding".

They bring in August with that his suit on but a sad face  my heart shatters into pieces. He looks back and send me a small smile and send him one back.

"Calling the people of the state of Georgia versus August Alsina , Are both sides ready?" The judge says.

I take a deep breath looking at him nervously bit his lower lip. He looks to the left and smile. I follow what he's looking at and of course little miss Kiera is here. Not today Satan not today.

After the opening statements they call the first witness up to testify. My hands start shaking. The guy says he knows nothing about this he has seen August once or twice and he was never doing anything.

After all that shit plays out we are waiting for the judge to decide what happens. I pull August lawyer to the side to ask him if I can at least get five minutes with August before my man get throw behind bars.

The lawyer ask for recess and they even take the stupid cuffs off. I run to him and hug him so tight. He holds me tight and start kissing my cheek.

"Damn I missed you Kee, I might be going away for a while I just want you to know I love you baby girl so much" He says kissing me.

"I love you too August but why do you hurt me so much?" I ask on the verge of crying.

"I don't mean to baby I really don't I love you to the moon back I just be doing some wrong shit... But I promise you gonna be alright...".

"August I um have something to tell you" I say nervously.

"What's up baby girl?".

"Im pregnant" I say with a small smile.

August smiles then give me a big ole kiss. I hear a gasp behind me of course Kiera here to ruin the day. August let's me go then hugs her.

"You done lost your mind haven't you " I ask looking at him crazy.

"Well since we spilling shit August I'm pregnant too" She says.

I damn near faint when she says that shit. "Oh hell no !" I yell out.

"Look man I love y'all both I'm sorry I fucked up and it happen like this but when I get out I promise to hold y'all both down".

"I'm gonna let this shit go for now but we need to talk this shit out August... Right now it's more important to figure out what the fuck we going to do about you in prison". I say.

I have the worse fucking headache right now all this damn crying and finding out that bitch is crazy is the fucking cherry on top.

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