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I'm slowly losing my mind without him here. Seeing him shackled up and so far away from me hurts like hell. Lately I've been numb to everything. Well numb to crying my eyes out and ready to blow some shit up. Honestly not even that hoe could get a reaction out of me. It slickly pissed me off seeing him hugging her and the bitch confessing shit so that's where my great news came in at but I was over then and I'm over it now.

He'll be gone for five fucking years, five years man. "Kiera we're home." Cherry says. I grab my purse and open the door. I look over and see this same car. "Man that guy been right there for forever." I say looking at the red car. "He probably know somebody that lives over here."

We walk up to my apartment and head inside. "Want me to go get your favorite?" She asks. "Thanks but I'm good. I just want to get in the bed and cry my eyes out."

"Aw Lo. It's going to be okay."

"You saw all that shit Cher. He's gone and now that bitch is pregnant too. I don't see any of this shit working out in anybody's favor."

"It will Kiera. Just think positive. You gone make my niece or nephew come out mad at the world." She says. I laugh a bit. "Girl you better start praying now cuz whatever this shit here oh my God."

My phone vibrates in my hand as I look down at the number. "Hello?" I answer. "Do you except these charges....?"

"Yeah.... Cherry this Aug. You staying here or going home?."

"Girl I'll be right here. Gone and talk to him."

"Okay..." I walk into my room waiting for Aug like to come through.

"Lil Lo." August says. "Don't call me that." I lean against my wall sitting on my bed. "I love you."

I sigh, "You sure about that?"

"What's wrong Kiera?"

"I feel stupid as hell August."

"I'm sorry, and  you aren't. Don't blame yourself for anything. It's all on me."

"But I believed you like a fucking dummy... August what am I supposed to do without you?"

"You gone be fine. Ima still do what I can. You and my child ain't gone lack for shit. I promise you that." I cross my arms. "I guess man."

"I need you to do some for me."

"What?" I ask on verge of crying. What the fuck? "Baby what's wrong?" He asks picking up on my tone. "Everything DAMN."

"Come see me tomorrow."


"I got to go before this shit start chiming in saying how many minutes me we got." Going from mad to be being sad, my tears fall down my face. I don't want him to hang up. I don't want him to be stuck inside that damn prison. I want him right here with me to  hold me and tell me shit is going to be alright. "Baby."

"Yeah." I manage to say. "It's gone be alright. Okay?... Come up tomorrow and we'll discuss more there. I love you Lo."

"I love you too baby and I will." I hang up and throw the phone across my bed. "What the fuck am I going to do?" I mumble rubbing my stomach.


I wake up in the middle of night and walk into the kitchen. "You good Lo?" Cherry asks waking up. "I'm alright. Hungry as hell though."

"Wanna make a Waffle House run?" She asks. "Some hash browns and bacon sound so good." She laughs getting up off the sofa. "Let's go preggo."

"Cherry what the fuck ima do with a baby bruh." I say walking out the door. "Raise it bitch." She laughs, "Seriously though, you can handle it Kiera. Me and Dae will be there to help. Hell I'll be yo baby daddy till Aug get out." I laugh then frown. "I have to wait five years man."

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