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Jongin frowned as he counted the eggs again.
He swore he bought three dozen....but there was only two dozen left.

He scratched his head and closed the fridge. Maybe he ate them all, or maybe his step-dad took them. He had a habit of stealing food from Jongin.

Jongin was about to walk back his room when something weird caught his eye.

"What the fu-" Jongin whispered as he bent down and picked up a tuft of...what seemed to be cat hair.

Jongin didn't like cats, in fact he despised cats. The constant meowing, rubbing themselves on everything and leaving fucking hair fucking everywhere. Jongin hated cats ever since his best friend's cat scratched up his arm, forever traumatizing Jongin.

Jongin continued with his daily life. He would go to university for three days a week and the other days he went to work as a choreographer and dance teacher at his dance studio, he would come home late and leave early. He bought grocery's every Saturday morning. He had a routine and he stuck to that routine. But something was off.

  If Jongin bought ten things, they're would be 9 things in the morning.

Wow look at me
Back at it with new stories instead of finishing old ones

Anyway, this story might have considerably shorter chapters than my other books but it's all part of its charm

Also this chap is dedicated to callmehtrash Bc they requested for it

Also this chap is dedicated to callmehtrash Bc they requested for it

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