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Sehun played with the hem of his shirt while looking down. He didn't dare meet the stares of Jongin's parents.

"So...you just took him in?"

"It seemed like the right thing to do."

"Besides look how cute he is!" Tao cooed while lifting Sehun's chin. Sehun scrunched his nose before shaking his head and looking down again.

"Jesus Christ, Kim, he's cuter than you."


Chanyeol grimaced at his husband's scolding tone.

"Do you know why he's like this?"

Jongin shook his head, "He said he'd tell me when he was ready."

"I am ready Kim Jongin."

Four heads shot his way when Sehun whispered those words.

"A-are you sure Sehun? I'm not pressuring you."

"I rather have you know the truth."

Jongin nodded and Tao scooted closer to Sehun, rubbing his back comfortingly.

"It started when I was three. I remember playing outside with my mother. But one day, this man in a white lab coat came to our house. Him and mother talked privately."

Three year old Sehun was very confused. His mother just went inside with this strange man. She had told Sehun to keep playing. So he did. The next thing he knew, he was being carried away by the strange man. His mother stood on the porch, envelope in hand. It wasn't until older that Sehun realized his mother had sold him to this man.

The man's name was Hijeon. He was nice. At times. He understood what Sehun was feeling but he did not show mercy. He tested on Sehun, perhaps even more than his other subjects. The subjects started disappearing one by one after having a fail sign on the clipboard outside their cage. Sehun couldn't even imagine what happened to them.

Sehun was Hijeon's last fail. His body was stricken with fear when he woke up to see the infamous fail sign hanging on his cage. But before anything could happen to him, the lab was broke into.
Men in black suits stormed the place, stealing all the lab data and finally killing Hijeon right in front of Sehun's eyes. He was horror stricken. Sehun was a boy who couldn't even stand to see a mouse killed, much less his 'owner' brutally killed right in front of him.

The men turned to Sehun but something distracted them. Sehun was able to escape and was on the run ever since.

He was caged since he was three. He didn't go to school and only knew basics. He's been living on the streets, abused over and over again until Jongin found him.

Jongin blinked as he took all of that in.

Sehun had been through so much. Jongin wiped a rouge tear making its way down his face and pulled Sehun into a tight hug.

"I promise....no one will ever hurt you again."

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