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-short chapter alert-

"You ready kitten?"

Sehun nodded and slid his shoes on. Jongin held out his hand for the younger boy to hold.

"Where are we going?"

"Just somewhere." Jongin answered vaguely. Sehun shrugged to himself and fixed the beige hat that Baekhyun had given him.

Jongin and Sehun slowly walked hand in hand to a nearby park, the same one Jongin found Sehun in the first time Sehun ran away.

"Oh, it's pretty here." Sehun stated as he brushed his fingers against flowers hanging from a tree.

Jongin hummed a reply and continued walked in the hiking path. Sehun snuggled into his side. Jongin smiled to himself as he felt the younger boy next to him.

They walked until the sun went down. They watched the big ball in the sky disappear behind a couple buildings. Jongin turned and smiled when he saw Sehun watching the sun with big eyes.

"It's so...pretty...." Sehun whispered.

Jongin wrapped an arm around Sehun and tugged him closer. Sehun let Jongin hold him as he watched the night sky slowly come up.

That was Sehun's favorite thing....watching nature do its thing.

He could sit for hours in a tree, just to watch a mother bird caring for her babies.

Sehun sighed contently as he felt Jongin wrap his arms around his torso. Sehun leaned his head back and sank into the back hug he was getting from Jongin.

Now he found something he loved even more than nature....hugging Jongin.

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