ㅏThe Kimsㅓ

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Sehun trailed behind Jongin nervously. There were at least 50 people here. Ranging from grandmas to little babies.

Sehun jumped when someone tackled Jongin.

"KIM!" The man yelled.

Jongin laughed and hugged the man back, "KIM!"

The man was short, but muscular. He was wearing a muscle shirt which showed off his impressive biceps.

He raised a thick eyebrow at Sehun, "Who's the cutie?"

Sehun's eyes widened when he realized the man was talking about him.

Jongin smiled at Sehun, "Come on, introduce yourself."

"M-my name is Oh Sehun..." Sehun mumbled quickly while avoiding the stranger's gaze.

"He's a shy one isn't he?"

Jongin nodded. "Sehun, this is my meathead of a cousin Minseok."

Minseok's eyes widened when he heard a man yell for him.

"Shit shit shit." Minseok looked around quickly before diving behind a bush.

A pale man wearing a sweater despite the hot temperatures came storming towards them.

"Where is my poor excuse of a brother?" He demanded.

Jongin stopped a laugh and shrugged. Sehun looked at him confused. Jongin knew where the man was, so why was he lying?

"Jongin you know where he is, why are you lying? Mr. Pale man, he's behind the bush."

A thought suddenly struck Sehun.

"Wait! Did I give away his spot in hide and seek?" Sehun asked worryingly.

The pale man shook his head, "No you did the right thing."

He walked over the bush and pulled Minseok out by his collar.

"You imbecile, were you the one that ordered the cookies with the peanuts?!"

Minseok shrugged, "That might have to do with me."

"Are you kidding me?! More than half of our dumb relatives are allergic to peanuts."

Minseok's eyes widened as he looked back at the food tent, "I'll be back." He said running off.

The pale man rolled his eyes and finally noticed that both Jongin and Sehun were staring at him.

He smiled at Jongin, "Hey! How are you?"

Jongin smiled back, "Great Hyung. Sehun, this is Minseok hyung's little brother Suho. Hyung, this is Oh Sehun."

Suho bowed slightly to Sehun, "Hi, nice to meet you. Nice ears." He winked at the end.

Sehun turned red as he hid behind Jongin. He knew, today was going to be a long day.

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