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Sehun fixed his bow tie as Baekhyun ruffled his hair.

"Perfect sweetheart." Baekhyun said, smiling at the mirror.

Sehun looked himself over, with the suit fitting his body perfectly, his once pink hair now blonde and his ears playfully sticking out from his hair. Chanyeol came up behind him and slid a hat on Sehun's head.

Sehun scrunched his face at the crooked hat and straightened it out.

"Oh you look gorgeous.  Jongin's going to love this."

Chanyeol said, winking at the younger boy.

Sehun blushed and smacked Chanyeol's arm, "Stop it Hyung."

Baekhyun grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the dressing room, "Come on, can't keep the groom waiting."

Sehun allowed himself to be pulled by the smaller male. They made their way to the main ballroom. Sehun shyly swung the doors open. He smiled gently as he spotted a familiar head in the crowd. He raced over and took his spot next to Jongin.

"Ohhhh I can't wait." Sehun said, wiggling in his seat.

"Yea who knew Luhan would be the one to pop the question."

Sehun smiled as he listened to the older boy ramble on. Sehun appreciated everything about the brown haired boy. From the way he would gently pat Sehun on the cheeks to wake him to the little kisses that he would give before they slept. Sehun didn't know what he would be doing if it wasn't for Jongin.

For Sehun, Jongin was his everything.

Jongin stopped in the middle of his sentence when he realized how quiet the younger boy was being.

"Kitten? Are you okay?"

"I love you."

Jongin's eyes widened as his mouth fell open.

Of their eight months of being together, this was the first time Sehun had said 'I love you' to Jongin.

Jongin smiled widely, his eyes crinkling as he threw his arms around Sehun.

"I love you I love you I love you." He chanted as he pressed kisses all over Sehun's face. Sehun giggled with each kiss and somehow pushed the clingy male away. Jongin laughed before pulled Sehun in for one last kiss.

The doors of the ballroom suddenly swung open and Minseok walked in wearing all black.

"I guess we know who tops now

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"I guess we know who tops now." Jongin whispered.

Sehun poked the older boy's side and stifled a laugh.

Minutes later, the doors swung again but the music started. Luhan stepped into the ballroom, arms linked with Kris.

Kris was the one to step in and act as the 'dad' position of the wedding. After meeting the small, honey colored haired boy, Kris took an immediate liking to the boy and treated him like he was Kris's own son (despite Luhan being two years older than Kris)

Luhan walked down the isle, practically glowing in his white suit.

Sehun wiped away a tear as Luhan made his way to the alter, joining his soon to be husband

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Sehun wiped away a tear as Luhan made his way to the alter, joining his soon to be husband.

"They're so cute I'm going to die."

Sehun jumped when he heard a familiar voice behind him. He turned around to see Kyungsoo in a black suit.

Kyungsoo smiled widely and winked before leaning back.

Sehun turned to Jongin who was as shocked as he was, but Sehun wasn't complaining. If this meant Kyungsoo wanted to be friends with Sehun, that was fine by him. He always wanted to get to know the smaller boy.

The wedding went on, until the priest said his final words.

Minseok grabbed Luhan by the waist and dipped him. Luhan let out a loud laugh before he was silenced by Minseok's lips on his.

Sehun let out a large shout as he stood up. Jongin quickly joined him by making cat calls. It only took seconds for Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Tao and Kyungsoo to join.

There were loud cannon blasts and flower petals were shot into the ballroom, slowly drifting down covering the wedding guests. It was all so romantic.

Sehun yelped as he was pulled into a tight embrace. Jongin held the boy as he joined their lips together. Sehun got over his shock and closed his eyes, sinking into the kiss.
They pulled away breathing heavily.

Jongin leaned his forehead against Sehun's as he winked, "We're next kitten."

~The end~

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