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-mini chapter alert-

Sehun's mouth dropped as he watched Jongin.
He'd never seen someone with such passion.

Every moment seemed to have a meaning. Each step had it's own expression, it's own meaning.

The steps blended together but still differentiated. It was amazing.

Especially when he was dancing with his friends.

With Hoseok's loose flowy  movements, Taemin's details, and Yugyeom's precision, it all came together.

Like one big masterpiece.

Sehun watched them for hours, literally hours. It wasn't until 8 that they called it a day. Jongin jogged back to Sehun, panting hard.

"How was it?"

There was only one way Sehun could describe it.

"Breathtakingly beautiful."

Sehun waited another ten minutes for Jongin to shower and change back into the clothes he wore to university.

"So, how was your day?" Jongin asked as they walked back to his apartment.

"It was amazing Jongin."

"Is there anything you want to do?"

"Umm...I want to have a sleepover with Tao!"

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