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Jongin slipped his hand into Sehun's as he watched Chanyeol struggling to bring in the luggage.

"A little help here?" Chanyeol called out, trying to balance a couple of bags in his arms.

"Nah I'm good." Jongin said with a smirk. Sehun smacked his arm.

"Be nice Nini"
With that, Sehun rushed over to Chanyeol and took a couple bags.

Chanyeol smiled, showing off his smile wrinkles, "Thanks Sehun, this is why you're my favorite."

"Hey!" Jongin protested as he brought the last of the supplies from the car.

"Shut up Kim, you know very well that you're not my favorite."

Jongin winced as he remembered all the pranks he played on his stepdad as a teenager.

"Sorry Hyung, you know I didn't like you back then."

Chanyeol just chuckled and continued walking.


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Baekhyun drawled out as he looked around the cabin.

"Fucking hell Tao, you scored us a good one." Chanyeol said, collapsing on the couch.

Sehun smiled at the shiny floors and continued to walk down a hallway. He swung open a door and quickly yelled for everyone else.


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Jongin was the first to reach him and he almost tripped when he saw the room.

It was personal home theater.

Minseok laughed and pointed to a lonely arm chair in the corner, "Oh look Suho, there's your chair."

Suho smacked his arm and stormed away.

"We need to get that boy hooked up."

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