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Sehun was sitting on the doorstep of Tao's penthouse.
He had found his way back there, not wanting to go back to Jongin's apartment.
But unfortunately, neither of the owners of the penthouse were home.
And Sehun didn't have a phone, so he just sat there, waiting for them to come back.

He could go to Baekhyun's house but that's the first place Jongin would look for him.

It was hours before Tao and Kris came back. Tao's eyes widened when he saw Sehun sitting in the chilly night air.

"SEHUN!" The blonde haired boy ran towards Sehun and quickly opened the door, letting Sehun in.

He dragged him to the couch and sat him down. Sehun whimpered as he laid his head on the couch while curling up his legs to his stomach.

"Sehun....what's wrong?"

Sehun shook his head and just held his arms out. Tao leaned closer and let the younger boy hang off of him.

Tao frowned at how desperately Sehun was holding on to him.

"Sehun, seriously what's wrong?"

Kris knelt down next to Sehun and handed him a glass of warm milk.

"Drink this, peanut." Kris said while comfortingly stroking Sehun's hair.

Sehun stiffened when he heard a knock on the door.

Jongin had found him.
Sehun sat up and looked around frantically, as if he was trying to find a place to hide. Tao grabbed onto Sehun, trying to calm him down.

Kris opened the door, oblivious to Sehun's erratic behavior.

"Hey Mr. Wu, here's the oil pastels you wanted."

Sehun stopped moving when he heard Youngjae's voice.

"Thanks Choi."

Before Kris could close the door, Sehun made eye contact with the brown haired boy.
Youngjae's mouth fell open as the door shut in his face.

Sehun calmed down immediately. It wasn't Jongin, Jongin didn't find him yet. He was safe.

"Okay seriously Sehun, tell me what's going on right now."

"I...Jongin...we kissed."

Kris tripped in surprise as he was walking back to Tao, "What?!"

"He...kissed me. I am afraid he will tell me that it was a mistake and these girls kept talking mean things and I...I am scared."

Tao barely understood the situation but he understood enough to comfort the younger boy.

The door knocked once more. Kris got up once again and opened it. This time a sweaty Jongin burst through the door.
He relaxed when he saw Sehun in Tao's arms.

"Oh my god I was looking everywhere for you!"

Sehun stiffened as Jongin scooped him up into his arms.

"Sehun, we need to talk."

Tao stood up and took Kris's hand, "We'll be in the kitchen."

Sehun sat up straight with his hands in his lap.

Jongin looked at him with a pained expression, "Sehun...don't be like this."

"Why did you kiss me Kim Jongin?"


"I said, why did you kiss me?! Do you like playing with my feelings...do you like confusing me?"

Jongin quickly shook his head, "No! No I kissed you because I wanted you. Sehun, I really really like you."

Sehun's head snapped up as he looked at Jongin with wide eyes, "W-what?"

"I really like you Sehun. That's why I kissed you. That's why I hug you, that's why I cuddle you. It's all because I like you."

"D-do you really mean that?"

"With all my heart."

Sehun smiled as he gently wrapped his arms around Jongin's neck. Jongin sank into the hug as he tightened his grip around Sehun's torso.

"Does this mean you like me too?"

Sehun nodded while hiding his now red face in the crook of Jongin's neck.

"Does that mean I can kiss you whenever I want?"

Sehun paused before quickly nodding again.


Jongin pulled away from the hug and smashed his lips against Sehun's.

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