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Sehun blinked as sun streamed down on his face. He scrunched his face and jumped slightly when he heard a low chuckle. Sehun turned his head towards the sound and cracked open one eye. Jongin was on his side, leaning on one arm, watching Sehun. The sun streamed in through the window behind him, making it seem like Jongin had a halo around his head. Sehun giggled at this and pointed to the sun.

"You're an angel now."

Jongin smiled and nuzzled his nose against Sehun's, "Well you're my angel, so I guess we're an angelic couple."

Sehun nodded and scooted closer. He winced when he felt his tail being pulled on. Sehun rolled over to see Kris spread out next to him, crushing his poor pink tail. Tao was on top of Kris, adding to the weight.

Sehun whined as he turned to Jongin. Jongin chuckled and pressed his lips against Sehun's forehead. He gently leaned over the younger boy and lifted a portion of Kris's leg which was laying on top of the tail. Sehun pulled his tail into his body and Jongin dropped Kris's leg, not caring if it woke the elder or not.
Jongin ran his fingers through Sehun's soft pink hair, occasionally rubbing the soft velvety texture of Sehun's pink ears. Jongin smiled when he felt Sehun's chest slightly rumble, proving that the younger boy was more that delighted to have his ears rubbed like that. Sehun let out another purr as he wrapped his arms around Jongin's neck, bringing their faces inches apart.

Jongin smiled as he pecked Sehun's nose.
"Good morning kitten."

Sehun smiled and pressed a ghost of a kiss on Jongin's lips, "Good morning Nini."

Jongin felt his chest swell as he pulled Sehun in for a more prominent  and passionate kiss. They pulled away, slightly out of breath. Sehun snuggled into Jongin's chest once more but got picked up by another person.

His eyes widened as he slightly squirmed in the arms of someone who wasn't Jongin.

"Hyuung give him baaack." Jongin whined.

Sehun twisted his head to see the smiling face of Chanyeol.

"No can do, Baekhyun's orders."

Jongin groaned loudly and stuffed his face in his pillow.

"He wants you to come too."

Jongin immediately sprang up and followed Chanyeol up the stairs.

The night before, after the movie ended, the group decided to draw straws to see who would get the master bedroom.

Jongin won but his mother stole the prize from him, leaving him to sleep in the living room, on the floor with Tao, Kris, Minseok, Luhan and Suho.

Sehun was free to sleep next to anyone he choose, obviously his first choice was Jongin.

Baekhyun squealed when he saw Sehun being carried in.

"Sehun baby!! Jongin!!!" Baekhyun yelled as he held his arms out.

Jongin fought back a smile as he slid into the bed next to his excited mother. Baekhyun loved cuddles. He loved cuddling Chanyeol and Jongin, and now he found a new cuddling partner who loved cuddling as much as he did.

"Hyunnie!" Sehun giggled as he laid down in Jongin's open arms. Baekhyun wrapped his arms the best he could around the two of them.

He sighed contently, "I love you guys."

"We love you too." The three chorused back.

Baekhyun pressed a kiss on top of Sehun and Jongin's head. He leaned against Chanyeol's chest, relaxing and enjoying his morning.

They were after all his favorite time of day.

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