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"Guess what!!" Jongin yelled as he stepped back into his apartment.

Sehun peeked out from Jongin's room to see Jongin holding a backpack.

"What's this?" Sehun asked as he walked over to Jongin.

"Open it."

Sehun tugged on the zipper and an envelope fell out. Sehun bent and picked it up. It was from...an art and music school!

Sehun opened the letter and looked at it but frowned.

"Jongin...I can't read this."

Jongin's eyes widened, "Shoot, I forgot that. Here, I'll read it to you."

Jongin led Sehun to the couch and he sat down, letting Sehun snuggled up in his lap.

He cleared his throat dramatically making Sehun giggle.

"Dear Oh Sehun,
We are happy to admit you to our art and music school. We have seen your painting and we think that you have great potential. In the hopes of you joining our institution, we are giving you the opportunity to pick two classes to take for free, one of them being an advanced painting and drawing course."

Sehun turned to Jongin, mouth wide open, "H-how?!"

Jongin smirked, "You know Kris?"

Sehun nodded.

"Well he's one of the top art professors and I got him to pull a few strings."

Sehun smiled widely as he held Jongin's face with both hands.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" Sehun said while pressing kisses all over Jongin's face.

But there was one place where he did not kiss, the place where Jongin wanted him to kiss.

The lips.

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