A Night To Forget

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I came out of my backdoor dressed in my medium blue pajamas, I was still wearing my glasses as I stepped out into the night so I could see. In my hand was a white garbage bag that my grandmother told me to take out before I crashed onto my bed.


I heard my name being called, my head jerked up from looking at the ground and looked around. I didn't see anybody so I just shrugged and ignored it, already knowing that my hyperactive imagination could be acting up like it usually does while I'm out at night. I slowly started walking down the stairs from my back porch, keeping an eye on my childhood club house which is the area under the porch. When I got down to ground level, I saw that no one was under the porch. I took a deep breath of relief and walked to the big garbage can, then all went dark.

When my vision returned I was in somebody's basement. My hands were tied behind my back and everytime I tried to move them I wanted to scream. I couldn't move my legs without moving them both, so I figured my legs were tied together too. Who ever took me knew I was a fighter. I tried to yell and hollar for help, but no sound came out of my mouth; I had just noticed that my mouth was ducktaped shut. Soon out of the shadows came a man with a skii mask on and a black gym suit pushing a TV on a cart.

"Hello Airyn," He spoke to me. I gulped some wondering how he knew my name. "I know a lot of things about you. Like these people do." He reached to a shelf on the cart just below the TV and showed me pictures of atleast one or two of my friends with me. My eyes went wide, Is he a stalker!? my mind started to race. If he knew me... he knew where my friends are... I started to panic and squirm frantically, but my efforts failed. "Oh you wanna know what happened to your friends right?" He asked me. Then he sat the photos down and picked up a video cassette. I blinked some and finally noticed the VCR connected to the TV. I gulped not knowing if my friends would be okay. Apparently, the feeling in my gut... was the one that was right. The man chuckled as I watched him and his buddies, introduced themselves as Number 1,2,3 and so on. There were five of them.

"First up, Angel." One of them had said and the rest laughed. Then we got a snowy screen. A few seconds later a naked strawberry blonde who was blind folded and bound to a chair was screaming. I started to trimble, if they got Angel... they could get all my friends... I tried to look away but the man came over and turned my head back to the screen and mumbled in my ear if I dare close my eyes he would kill me on the spot. I gulped and watched a chain saw held by the one who introduced himself as Number 3 chopped off Angel's head and slice her stomach. I felt sick, then it went back to a snowy screen.

"There are no more introductions by the movie baby doll, so I'll just say the person's name myself." The man said still forcing my head to watch the TV, "Nate." The snowy screen disappeared and I saw my brunette friend laying on the ground staring up at the cloud-less sky. His bike was next to him and he didn't seem like he was around any town. Then Nate moved onto his side and there was an explosion from underneith him. My eyes widen once more... They planted a bomb under Nate! They knew where he was going to be and maybe, even, what he was going to be doing! I trembled even more with the thought of how much knowledge they had. The screen flickered back to a snowy background. "Like it doll?" The man asked me, I tried to shake my head but his grip tightened and I yelped against the tap. It seemed like forever watching my friends die one-by-one on this tape. It was so horrifing but I couldn't close my eyes. After Nate was Valery...after Valery was Brad...after Brad was Layla... The list continued on to Jackson, Leroy, Tyler, Henry, Baker, and Jack.

"There's one more baby doll," The man had said as the screen flickered to the last snowy background, "...Sam." he spoke with a sly smirk. My heart skipped beats from that point on as the screen flickered to a redhaired boy with cuts all over his face, blood dripping down, his arms and legs were covered in bruises... So was his neck. I trembled and about cried at the thought that he was fighting back. Though Number 4 took a cro-bar and bashed him against the head with it. I cried out and closed my eyes tight. The man with me punched the back of my head, I tried to cry out against the tape but no sound would come out. I watch the men slowly tie ropes to the unconscious Sam's feet then they put him in the truck of the car. The video was dark for about a minute or two when the setting changed to a bridge. There was concrete slabs attached to the other ends of the rope then the men laughed as they tossed Sam and the slabs over the bridge and into the water below.

I swallowed, tears streaming down my cheeks as the tape ended. In my head I was shouting You bastards! You mother fucking bastards!

"Now now baby doll don't get too worked up we still have one more to do." The man smirked slyly at me then everything went dark.

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